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Harry is 25 and is enjoying his life with no worries or care in the world he works for his fathers company and is hoping one day to take over but for now he loves his life and enjoys spending his free time with his girlfriend Olivia they have been dating for a year the only problem is that harrys  parents don't like her they  know she is after harrys money but harry doesn't want to admit or realize that

"harry" desmond says as he calls for harry

"yes dad" harry says

"did Jason give you the contracts for the new flower distributor we got"  desmond asks

"yeah I just got them and going over them before I bring them to you" harry says

"ok and I need you to be ready at 4 in the morning to fly to paris the distribution center is having issues and we need to go see what is going on" desmond says

"yes I know I am packed just need to change and I will be at your house tonight so we can leave together" harry says

"ok anything else you need to talk about"

"no I am good, I am going to lunch " harry says

"with olivia" desmond says

"yes" harry says as he walks out of his fathers office and goes to have lunch with his girlfriend and he goes to sit down and a few minutes later she walks in as harry stands up "hey"

"sorry my meeting went longer than expected" olivia says as harry pulls her chair out as she sits down

"its ok I just got here I am leaving to paris and will be gone for 3 days but come to my apartment when I come home I will miss you" harry says

"me too" olivia says as she starts to pout as harry places a kiss on her lips

"I cant with you" harry says with a smile

"can we take a mini vacation next weekend" olivia asks

"yes of course plan it out and when I come back I can pay for everything"  harry says

"yay I am going to go shopping I want to go to Greece we can go for 5 days" olivia says

"of course I will tell my dad I am not going into the office" harry says

"yay I love when you spoil me" olivia says with a wide smile as the waitress takes their food and drink order "are you going back to work"

"yeah I have a lot of work to do and since I will be out for 3 days I need to make sure I leave as much done as I can" harry says

"ok well I am going to miss you so much" olivia says

"I know but I will call and facetime when I have time" harry says "so what do you have planned these 3 days I wont be here"

"not much just work and go to emilys wedding on saturday" olivia says

"ohh shit I forgot about that I am so sorry" harry says "I wont get back until Saturday night"

"its ok I understand" olivia says

"I really am just you know my father is ready to retire and I want to take over his company so I want to learn as much as I can" harry says

"I know and that is the reason I am being supportive" olivia says "and one day when we get married I wont have to work"

"I know but I am not ready to talk about marriage and stuff" harry says as his phone starts to ring and harry sends it to voicemail

"who was that" olivia asks

"my dad" harry syas

"ohh" olivia says

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