Epilogue 🥲

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Its been a year since everything has happened with olivia and she was sentence to 40 years in prison and margret and belles case was dismissed and were arrested and sentenced to 10 years in prison louis and harry have been happy as can be and as any couple they have their bad days and both have been working really hard at work louis promoted becky and andy and has hired an assistant for his department

"harry" desmond says

"yeah dad" harry says as he looks up from his computer as his dad walks in his office and goes to sit down on a chair

"call louis I need to talk to you both" desmond says

"dad I swear it was just a kiss" harry says laughing

"shut it" desmond says as harry calls louis

"he is coming" harry says

"are you happy" desmond asks

"very and its all because of you and mom" harry says

"no need all I wanted was for you to be happy but nooo you had to go down kicking and screaming" desmond says laughing as they hear a knock at the door

"come in louis" harry says as louis walks in the office

"am I getting fired" louis asks as he starts to laugh

"yeah I am done with you being bossy and don't get me started on that attitude of yours" desmond says laughing

"fine you win but you need to tell all your employees that you fired me" louis says laughing

"noo they will quit" desmond says

"that is true" harry says as they all laugh as louis sits down next to desmond

"well I wanted to talk to you both" desmond says

"ok we are listening" harry says

"when you and louis got married I told you that I would give you the company but you had to stay marry for 3 years I know that was the only reason you agreed to marry louis but your mother and I had met louis a few years before that we were at lunch with jay and dan and louis stopped at our table and something about him we knew that he was what you needed and your mom and I went home and we talked a lot about it but actually jay and dan were the ones that suggested it after I think was after your last boyfriend left you" desmond says

"ohh" louis says

"so what does that have to do with anything" harry questions

"your mother and I have been talking alot and I want to retire and travel with your mom and spend more time with the grandkids and I have seen a change in you harry it's a good change you think differently now and I want you and louis to run the company" desmond says "I think you and louis will make a great team and take this company to the next level"

"thank you dad I promise to make you proud" harry says

"you already have" desmond says

"louis" harry says

"so are you going to divorce me" louis says

"never you are mine forever" harry says

"forever" louis says with a wide smile as harry gets up and hugs louis "and if you ever leave me I will take every last penny you have you wont even be able to afford gum"

"I know and I love you so much" harry says

"we meet with the attorney next week to sign all the paperwork" desmond says

From ARRANGED To LOVE ~ MPREG LARRY STYLINSONWhere stories live. Discover now