Chapter 3

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to say that the wedding date came quickly was an understatement and what seemed like a week was more like a month and harry was not involved in any of the wedding planning but louis had his mom and anne for help

"louis we need to leave" jay yells out as louis walks down the stairs of the house

"mom" louis says as he starts to cry

"dont cry boobear" jay says

"im sorry its just this day is here and i dont know how i feel" louis says as he starts to cry

"everything is going to be ok i promise" jay says

"i know thank you mom lets get married" louis says as they walk out of the house and head to the styles house "where is dad and the girls "

"they left to get the girls ready and show them what they have to do" jay says as they get to the styles house as they see the wedding planner and are taken to a spare room before the wedding

"louis we are ready everyone is in place" the wedding planner says

"Ok i am ready where is dad" louis says as they hear a knock at the door and dan walks in

"You look beautiful" dan says with a wide smile

"Thank you dad" Louis says

"we are ready son" dan says as they walk out of the room and go to the doors that go to the back yard as they open the doors and louis sees harry as he walk to him

"we are ready son" dan says as they walk out of the room and go to the doors that go to the back yard as they open the doors and louis sees harry as he walk to him

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as harry looks up and sees louis walking to him

as they get to the end of the aisle dan puts louis hand on harrys

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as they get to the end of the aisle dan puts louis hand on harrys

"who gives this man away" the judge says

"his family" dan says as he sits down as harry and louis walk to the judge

"dearly beloved we are gathered here to witness the marriage of these men in holy matrimony" the judge says as they continues to recite the wedding vows "who has the rings"

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