Chapter 8

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its been 3 days since harry went back to the hospital and harry was released and went back home as louis takes harry to his room

"louis" harry yells out

"yeah" louis says as he goes to harrys room

"can you bring me some water please" harry says as louis goes to get harry a water bottle and opens it as he gives it to harry

"rest while bertha and i make dinner" louis says as harry lays back down as louis sits down next to harry as he runs his fingers thru harrys hair as he starts to fall asleep and louis gets up as he walks to the kitchen

"is he back to sleep" bertha says

"yeah he needs to rest" louis says

"go rest i will take care of dinner" bertha says

"do i really look bad" louis asks

"yes go rest i will check on mr styles in a few" bertha says

"thank you" louis says as he goes to the master bedroom and lays down and soon falls asleep but couldn't sleep as harrys phone kept getting notifications and louis stands up gets the phone and takes it to harry and puts it next to him as harry starts to wake up

"what is going on" harry says as louis was about to walk out

"your phone wont let me sleep so i brough it to you" louis says with sadness as he walks out of the room and harry gets his phone and sees its olivia as harry calls her back

"what" harry says as she answers

"where have you been i been trying to call you for the last 5 days" olivia says

"i been in the hospital i had surgery" harry says "then my stitches busted and i just got out of the hospital come take care of me"

"i cant i am leaving to aruba with my friends and i need money" olivia says "you didnt send me money the other day when you said you were"

"because i was sick" harry says "i am telling you i dont feel good and need someone to take care of me"

"what about your wife" olivia says

"he hates me and isnt doing anything for me he went back to work after my surgery" harry lies

"well i dont have time" olivia says

"look i dont feel good right now so you and i will talk when i fell better" harry says "i am turning off my phone"

"what about the money" olivia says

"are you looking for a job" harry says

"well no why do i have to with what you give me is enough" olivia says

"bye figure out how to get to aruba" harry says "i am turning off my phone i have to get better"

"harry babe please what can i do i mean i am not a doctor or a nurse" olivia says

"but the same way i take care of you i want you to take care of me why is that hard" Harry says trying his best not to get angry

"but i am busy between shopping and traveling when do you want me to go take care of you" olivia says

"its ok i have to go i think i am going to throw up" harry says a he hangs up on olivia and turns off his phone and falls asleep And is woken up a few hours later as bertha walks in

"mr styles please sit up so you can eat" bertha says as harry sits up

"why didn't louis bring me my meal" harry asks

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