Chapter 13

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Its been 6 months since louis had quinn and harry and louis have been so happy and have gotten into a good routine louis quit his job and stays home with quinn and harry went back to work a month later

"angel" harry yells out as he walk into the house

"mr styles louis is in the nursery putting the baby to sleep" bertha says

"ok thank you" harry says as he walks upstairs and goes into the nursery and walks in "angel"

"bababababa" quinn bables as her eyes get wide as she smiles looking at harry

"well daddy is home munchkin" louis says laughing "I swear she knows when you are here"

"she loves her daddy" harry says as he takes the baby from louis

"you feed her" louis says as he stands up from the rocking chair as louis sits on the floor as harry feeds quin "how was your day"

"to long just wanted to come home to be with my princess and queen" harry says

"we missed you too munchkin more than me" louis says

"I know ohhh before I forget I have the court hearing for olivia tomorrow so I wont be home on time" harry says

"I want to go" louis says

"no" harry says as he knew louis was going to get his way

"look either I go or I go" louis says as he starts to bat his eyes and pouts

"fine but you have to control your temper I don't want anything bad to happen" harry says

"ok I just want to be there to support you" louis says "and don't worry we have plenty of babysitters"

"I know" harry says as the baby falls asleep and harry burps her "look at my beautiful princess"

"I know made her myself" louis says laughing

"I helped" harry says as he places quinn in her crib as they walk out and go to the living room and start to talk

"dinner should be ready in 10 minutes" bertha says as harrys phone starts to ring and he walks out of the living room and that confuses louis as Louis follows harry and harry goes into his office

"look I don't want any problems I am married and" is all harry can says "I know you don't care but I do and don't want any problems yes I know but that was a mistake I shouldn't of gone to lunch with you"

"harry" louis says as he gasps in shock

"louis" harry says in shock as he hangs up the phone

"talk and talk quickly before I leave with my daughter" louis says as he starts to cry

"nothing happened I swear it was just lunch" harry says

"so why are you being shady why walk away from me and not answer the phone in front of me" louis says

"I didn't mean to do that to you" harry says

"you know how hard it is for me to trust you but I am trying really hard and then you pull this shit on me what am I suppose to think" louis cries out

"im sorry I didn't mean to make you feel this way" harry says

"who was it" louis demands

"randy" harry says "we met a little after we got married the first time and he moves to the states we would still talk here and there but I haven't talked to him since me and you got back together I swear"

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