Chapter 9

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its been 6 months since louis left harry and a few days after louis went to tell his parents everything that happened and to say they were upset was an understatement they asked louis to move back in but louis didnt want to harry went back to work and louis  2 months ago louis finally found an apartment and has moved in louis or harry have not seen each other and louis has not seen harrys parents and they are at the court house

"louis" louis attorney says

"yeah" louis says

"we are in court room 10" louis attorney says

"thank you steve is he here yet" louis asks

"i think he is anne and desmond are with him" jay says

"lets get this shit over with so i can close this nightmare" louis says as they walk in the court room and sit down And harry and his parents walk in after and sit on the other side of the court room

"please stand the honorable judge judy presiding" the bailiff says as the judge walks in and sits down

"have all parties been sworn in" the judge asks

"yes your honor" everyone says

"we have the dissolution of marriage between louis William styles and harry Edward styles case number LS09280723 parties please step forward" the bailiff says as harry and louis walk to where they were suppose to with their attorneys

"so louis you are asking for a divorce from your husband and state that the marriage is not fixable you are asking for mr styles to pay all court and attorney fees you are not asking for any money and there are no minor children in the marrage" the judge says

"yes your honor" louis says as he starts to cry

"mr styles do you agree" the judge says

"yes your honor" harry says

"well I will grant your divorce please come into my office to sign and the divorce will be effective 90 days from today" the judge says as he stands up and walks to his office and louis and harry follow him as they sign the paperwork

"umm how soon can I change my last name" louis asks as he sees harry glare at him

"its easier when your divorce is finalized so wait until then" the judge says

"thank you" louis says as he walks out of the court room and goes to his parents as he sees them talking to harrys parents "umm we are done"

"lets go" jay says

"umm anne desmond I want to thank you for everything you both are seriously the best in laws I could have ever asked for thank you" louis says as he hugs them as he walks away with his parents

"what did he tell you" harry says

"he loves us" anne says as she walks away as Anne desmond and harry walk out of the courthouse and get into desmonds car

"dad I want to go home I don't feel like being at the office" harry says

"I will drop you off" desmond says as they get to harrys house and harry gets off the car and goes inside as he walks into the empty house and goes to the master bedroom and lays down as he hears a knock on the door

"excuse me mr styles do you want something to eat" bertha says

"no I am not hungry" harry says in a monotone voice as bertha walks away as harrys phone starts to ring "yeah"

"babe where are you at" olivia says

"lunch with my parents" harry lies

"how is the divorce going" olivia asks

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