Chapter 12

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"I cant look" harry says as anne and jay walk to the bathroom as they start to laugh

"what is it" louis says

"its positive and might I add I have never seen these pink lines this bright" anne says laughing

"NOOO' harry and louis says at the same time

"let me make an appointment to verify" louis says as he takes out his phone And calls his doctor and soon hangs up "they can see me at 3"

"let me clean up" bertha says

"no you rest anne and I will clean up" jay says

"you all have no concept of having a maid" bertha says laughing

'we do but you have to put up with harry and louis and we want to make sure you never leave" anne says laughing as they continue to talk and right around 2 they get ready and leave the house and go to louis doctors appointment and louis walks in and signs in as he goes to sit down next to harry

"im nervouse" louis says

"why" harry questions

"just don't you think everything is going to fast" louis says

"like" harry says

"everything I think I am feeling overwhelmed" louis says

"talk to me" harry says

"we got married separated divorced  are back together and now I might be pregnant" louis says

"so what are you saying" harry questions not knowing what louis was going to say

"louis styles" the nurse yells out as harry and louis stand up

"we will wait here" anne says as louis and harry walk to the nurse and soon are taken to a private room

"the doctor will be in a few minutes" the nurse says as she walks out

"what are you saying if you are pregnant you are going to abort it" harry says

"no of course not im sorry I was just overthinking everything but if I am I will be happy I promise just we been thru a lot in a short amount of time I got scared you would change your mind and not want me again and if I am pregnant I wouldn't want my baby rejected" louis says as he starts to cry

"angel princess I never want to know what life is like without you anymore my life feels complete with you in it and if we are having a baby that will make me the happiest man on earth" harry says "please don't think that way"

"im sorry" louis says as the doctor walk in the room

"afternoon what is the reason for your visit" the doctor asks

"umm I took a pregnancy test and it came out positive" louis says

"ok so we are confirming I will have a nurse come on and take blood and urine and I will return when I have the results" the doctor says as he walk out of the room and soon a nurse walks in the room and gets what she needs and soon walks out

"H" louis says nervously

"yeah" harry answers

"if I am pregnant I want to get married before the baby comes" louis says

"are you sure" harry says as he smiles

"yeah I want us to be married before the baby comes" louis says

"what if you are not pregnant" harry asks

"I still want to marry you tomorrow" louis says nervously

"ok we elope tomorrow what ever the outcome is" harry says

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