Chapter 18

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its been 6 months since louis and harry found out louis was pregnant and have been so happy waiting for the twins to arrive as louis was training becky on what to d, margret files a lawsuit against harry and the attorneys were taking care of things

"angel" harry says as he walks in the house

"louis isnt home yet" bertha says

"daddy" quinn yells out as she runs to harry and he picks up as he hugs her as he takes out his phone and calls louis

"andsome i just pulled up the driveway" louis says as harry hangs up the phone

"i know you worry since he is due any day" bertha says

"i know but he doesnt listen when i tell him not to drive" harry says as louis walks in the house

"sorry i was walking out the office when an employee stopped and asked me a question" louis says

"well if you still want to work then i am driving you to work and home look you are due anyday now and i worry you might go to labor while you are driving" harry says

"ok i get it" louis says

"dinner is ready" bertha says as harry gets quinn and louis helps bertha get the food to the table

"we have court thursday at 10" harry says

"ok i will mark it on my calender" louis says

"mr styles" bertha says

"yeah" harry says

"umm if you want i can stay over night until you have the twins so incase you go into labor at night you wont have to wake anyone or worry about quinn" bertha says

"if you can that would help us alot" harry says

"ok i will go tonight and get some clothes and come back" bertha says

"will your family be ok" louis questions

"yes i talked to my son a few months back it was actually his idea he knows how much i love you all and how good you all are to me" bertha says

"we would love that thank you" louis says  as they finish eating  and soon harry takes bertha to her house and they soon come back to the house as bertha goes to the spare room and louis and harry take quinn to her room as they put her in her bed and louis and harry go to bed and soon fall asleep the following morning louis and harry get up and start to get ready for work as louis goes to the kitchen as harry gets quinn ready

"bertha dont make dinner can you just try and get some the of babies clothes put away and just give the nursery a quick dusting" louis says

:"i do it once a week but i will make sure to do it today i got most of the things put away but just need to wash what ever you bought" bertha says

"thank you" louis says as they finish eating and soon walk out the door as they get to the office and louis walks to his office

"louis please stay home you give me anxiety coming into work and you are due anyday" becky says

"yeah specially when you rub your belly" andy says

"i am fine these brats might no come until next month i dont think they are  in any hurry to come out" louis says

"since december is less than 2 months away when are we going to plan the christmans party" andy says

"lets visit this around the 10th of next month but start writing down ideas" louis says

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