Chapter 6

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its been 6 months since louis started his new job and louis has been happy being out of the house and is finally enjoying life again as for louis he moved into the guest house and is still trying to save money to move out of the house

"bertha" louis says as he walks in the house

"kitchen mr styles" bertha says as louis walks in the kitchen "i didnt make dinner since its your anniversary"

"umm yeah thank you" louis says

"i will get going have fun i will see you tomorrow" bertha says  as she leaves the kitchen and walks out of the house as louis starts to make himself something to eat

"louis" harry yells out as he walks in the house as he walks to the kitchen

"yeah" louis says

"umm i wanted to ask you to dinner for our anniversary" harry says hopeful

"its ok i never want to remember this day you dont have to" louis says "i am having a sandwich"

"ohh just thought we could have dinner" harry says

"no its ok you can spend the night with your girlfriend just how you spent it on our wedding night" louis says as he looks down not wanting for harry to see him cry

"umm i will be in my room" harry says as louis finishes his meal and goes to the guest house and lays down as he turns on the television and lays down as he hears a knock on the door and louis stands up and answers it

"yeah" louis says

"can i talk to you please" harry says almost begging

"umm yeah" louis says as they walk to the fire pit and sit down

"i want to say i am sorry for the way i began our marriage it wasnt fair to you i should of taken out my anger on my parents not you please i am sorry" harry says

"you dont have to apologize for anything" louis says

"umm you dont have to leave just stay here please and i promise i wont ever bring anyone here again" harry says

"that is not the problem tho" louis says

"tell me what the problem is" harry asks

"figure it all out then come talk to me" louis says "i am tired of fighting with you harry i really am there is no point of me living here we are just room mates that is all we are we both live two different lives only play husbands when people are around us"

"i want to get to know you" harry says

"its ok its too late just give me a few more months to save enough money to leave" louis says as he starts to cry and harry tries to get close to louis as louis moves away

"i can give you the money if you want just as an i am sorry for breaking you and hurting you the way i did" harry says with regret

"not everything can be bought with money" louis says crying "i cant just give me a few more months and dont worry i will keep my end of the deal and come over when ever someone comes i wont be the cause that you didnt get your fathers company since that is the only thing you want and worry about i wont be the cause of you loosing the company"

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