Chapter 16

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To says the week went fast was an understatement and louis and harry told louis parents in Sunday and they were happy the rest of the week was spent getting things ready for the barbe que

"louis you need to take it easy you are pregnant' harry says again getting annoyed

"we have to finish its almost lunch time" louis says

"louis calm down" becky says

"im gonna call both our mothers" harry says as he starts to laugh

"fine but hurry is the meat almost ready" louis asks

"yes we have enough for the first 50 employees and then everything will be ready" harry says

"are all the side dishes ready" becky asks

"yes everything is set up and all the sodas are iced since this morning" nialls ays

"all plates napkins and silverware are in place" andy says

"I think we are ready are all the prizes numbered" louis asks

"yes and all the raffle tickets are in the container" becky says

"where is your dad" louis questions

"right here louis" desmond says as he starts to laugh "and stop scaring my employees I got 6 calls from harry 4 from liam and 7 from niall"

"I want this to be perfect" louis says as he sees anne and zayn walk to him and louis gets confused "what are you doing here"

"we came to help serve and clean up" zayn says

"thank you" louis says

"and maybe you will relax a little" anne says

"you know I wont" louis says lauighing "ohh anne zayn this is becky and andy my assistant and manger for my department becky andy this is anne styles desmonds wife and of course harrys mom and zayn is nialls husband"

"nice to meet you both" becky and andy say as they all shake hands

"so where do you want us" anne says

"plating and making sure every employee has a drink" louis says "dad you can hand out the plates and silverware and napkins"

"ok" desmond says as everyone gets into place

"everyone is coming" louis says as he goes to desmond "does anyone know about tomorrow"

"no we can announce it when everyone sits down and starts to eat" desmond says

"ok let me get everyone" louis says as he walks to where all the employees were coming from "thank you everyone please make one line and get as much food as you want we all are here to say thank you enjoy"

"thank you" all the employees starts to say as they make line and all are in shock that desmond harry liam niall are all serving them food and they are all making conversation with everyone and when everyone is seated louis takes the microphone

"is this thing on" louis says as he starts to laugh "welcome everyone I am louis and am the human resources director and we wanted to make this lucheon as a thank you for all your hard work this past year we all really appreciate it and we all appreciate you all being here and since I started and we have made changes we have listened to you all so I want to introduce everyon to you all I know a lot of you know all these important people but a lot of you new employees might not soo when I say your name please come to the front" louis says "first we have the big boss man the president of styles flowers enterprise mr desmond styles" louis says as everyone claps as desmond goes to louis " next we have the CEO of the company harry styles" louis says with a smile as harry stands next to his father" we also have the CFO of the company liam payne" louis says "and last but not least we have the contracts director niall horan" louis says as niall stands next to liam "and I want to also introduce becky the human resources manager and andy the human resources assistant" louis says as he give the microphone to desmond

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