Chapter 19

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"that is all for me" marcus says as the courtroom doors swing up and louis sees olivia walk in with a gun in her  hand

"i fucken hate you" olivia yells out  as she points the gun


is all louis hears as his screen goes blank  as louis screams

"HARRY" Louis screams out

"louis" anne and bertha says as they run into the office

"harry call desmond call" louis says panicking as he tries to call harry but he doesn't answers "call Desmond please"

"what is going on" anne says as she holds louis tight

"take a deep breath" bertha says

"Call harry call please call desmond please" louis cries out over and over again

"he is not answering" anne says

"please i need to find harry" louis cries out

"what is happening" anne questions again as anne hugs louis trying to calm him down

"i was on the zoom and olivia walked in pointed a gun and all i heard was a bang and the screen went black and harry isnt answering his phone" louis cries out as he starts to shake

"louis i need you to calm down or i am taking you to the hospital" anne says

"i cant i cant i cant i need to hear from him i need to know what happened" louis says crying "please keep trying i need to know they are both ok please anne please i am so scared what am i going to tell our babies about their daddy please anne"

"louis take a deep breaht i know its hard but i need you to calm down" anne says

"i am trying but i cant" louis cries out as anne hugs louis

"bertha help me take louis to the couch so he can lay down" anne says as bertha helps take louis the couch and helps him lay down as bertha goes to the kitchen to get louis some water

"bertha call jay if she can bring lottie and fiz so they can help with the twins since we need to focus on louis" anne says as bertha calls jay and tells her what is going on

"she will be here and bringing everyone she said we all need to be together" bertha says

"please call harry and desmond one of them needs to answer" louis says crying

"look louis since they were in court their phones might be off and might not remember its off so please" anne says crying worried about her son and husband

"bertha pleas answer its gemma" anne says as bertha answers the phone and soon hangs up the phone

"ms gemma is on her way" bertha says as they hear the doorbell ring as bertha goes to answer the door "ms eleanor they are in the office"

"thank you bertha" eleanor says as she runs to the office and walks in "lou i am so sorry i came as soon as i heard the news"

"news its on the news" louis says

"yes but from what i heard no deaths but dont get your hopes up its still to early to tell" eleanor says

"i cant with this suspense and i cant do shit" louis cries out "please can you take me to the courthouse please i need to know what is going on"

"louis i am taking you back to the hospital" anne says

"no please i need to be here when harry and desmond come home" louis says as the doorbell rings again as bertha goes to open and louis parents and siblings walk in as bertha hugs jay tight

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