Chapter 4

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its been 6 months since louis and harry got married and its not been easy but louis has managed and when bertha is at the house louis stays in the house or when his parents or harrys parents go to the house they act like a happy couple but louis has been more independent and does as he wants not caring what harry has to says

"umm harry" louis says nervously

"what" harry says as he looks up as he was in his office finishing some work he had

"umm since i want to start online classes i want to get a job so i can pay for them" louis says

"no i can give you money to pay for them" harry says

"no i already  told you i want nothing from you" louis says "i want to work"

"fine but i want you home before i get here" harry says and louis just didnt want to argue with harry

"and my family is coming to dinner tomorrow night at 6" louis says

"fine i will be here" harry says as louis walks out of the office as he goes online and starts to look for open positions as he starts to send out his resume as louis phone starts to ring

"elle" louis says with a wide smile

"hey want to have dinner tomorrow night"

"im sorry i cant my family is coming over tomorrow for dinner"louis says "how about lunch"

"ok lunch is good" eleanor says as louis hangs up the phone as he continues to look for jobs and continues to send his resume and when he got tired he turns off his laptop and turns on the television and soon he gets hungry as he goes to the house and makes himself something to eat as he sits down at the table and starts to eat and a few moments later harry walks into the kitchen

"you want me to make you some lunch" louis says

"umm no its ok" harry says as he starts to make himself something to eat as louis cleans up his mess and leaves the kitchen and goes back to the guest house and changes his clothes as he walks out and puts his head phones on as he walks out of the front door as he hears harry screaming

"what" louis yells out as he takes off the headphones

"where are you going" harry says "those leggings are too tight"

"dont worry about me" louis says as he slams the door shut and leaves for his walk feeling relaxed as he goes to the nearby park and starts to run and an hour later louis goes back to the house and walks in

"angel nial liam and zayn are here" harry says

"ohh hey how are you all doing" louis says "im sorry i dont want to hug you all i am sweaty let me shower and quickly change and i will be back"

"dont worry about it we just got here' liam says

"i will be back" louis says as he runs up the stairs and takes a shower and changes his clothes and soon walks back downstairs "ok hello everyone again"

"hi" everyone says

"let me make some snacks  for you all" louis says as he sits next to Harry "do you want something to drink"

"just bring us some beers please" harry says  as louis stands up and goes to the bar area and gets beers for all of them

"i will be back let me make some sandwiches to snack on" louis says

"i can help you" zayn says

"no its ok you are a guest" louis says with a smile

"i insist and we can get done quicker" zayn says

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