Chapter 11

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its been 6 weeks since harry had his accident and olivia has tried a few more times to talk to harry but was soon given the resrtaining order but louis and harry have talked alot more

"anne we have to go" louis says

"i know" anne says "paul help us with harry please"

"yes of course" paul says as he goes to harrys room and soon walks out with harry as he helps harry into the car

"i hope they take this cast off i am sick of them" harry says

"we know" anne says laughing as paul drives to harry doctors office and walk in as anne signs harry in as they sit down

"harry styles" the nurse says as she walks to harry with a wheel chair as they take him to a private room "the doctor will be in a few minutes"

"thank you" harry says as the nurse walks out of the room as they all talk and laugh and soon the doctor walks in the room

"well lets take the cast off and i want x-rays make sure you are healling" the doctor says

"please as much as i love being taken care of i want to be independent again" harry says

"i am sure" the doctor says as he starts to take harrys cast off his arm and leg as an xray technician walks in and takes an xreay of harrys arm and leg and soon walks out "i will will be back when i get the xrays"

"thank you" harry says "can i move my arm"

"no keep it still i will be back in 10 minutes" the doctor says as he walks out of the room

"if they have to put a cast on again i am going to throw myself out the window" harry says dramatically

"stop being so dramatic" anne says as louis starts to laugh

"stop you enjoy being taken care of specially by louis' paul says

"fine" harry says as the doctor walk in the room

"you have healed beautifully but i still want you to take it easy i am gonna have you stay home 2 more weeks and then we can reevaluate you and can go back to work" the doctor says "i want you to use crutches only when you are going to walk long distance if you are going to just be at home i want you to walk with support at least with the furniture i dont want you to put to much pressure on your leg"

"ok understood thank you" harry says "now i have to get a new car"

"well lets get going " anne says "since you cant drive yet we can go look for a car when the doctor clears you"

"ok i like that" harry says as they leave and harry makes his appointment and soon walk out of the office and drive back to harrys house and when they get there they see olivia at the front door

"harry just talk to her but  i will have the police ready" anne says

"i think  i should and after today i will enforce the restraining order" harry says as paul parks the car as anne and louis get off the car and paul helps harry off as they walk to the front door

"why the fuck are you here" olivia yells out with anger to  louis  as anne grabs louis hand and walks him into the house "why is he here"

"get in the house i need to talk to you" harry says with anger

"calm down" paul says as they walk in the house

"sit down" harry says as they walk to the living room as paul helps harry sits down as olivia tries to sit down next to harry "sit over there"

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