Chapter 14

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"yes mr styles" becky says as she answers

"becky please come to my office" harry says

"yes sir I am on my way" becky says as harry hangs up the phone and soon there is a knock at harrys office

"come in" harry says as becky walks in the office "have a seat"

"thank you" becky says as  she sits down

"becky i called you because my dad niall and liam and i have been talking for the last month and we decided we wanted to get a" is all harry can says as harry sees his office door open

"son" desmond says

"dad, excuse me" harry says as he stands up and walks to desmond as they go to another empty office and harry starts to tell desmond what is going on "so louis agreed to come and be the human resource director louis suggested we tell her about it and she will quit but until we get enough shit on her we want her to stay or quit on her own"

"ok son i trust you" desmond says

"we just started" harry says "so please act like you know everything"

"i will lets go back" desmond says as they go back to harrys office

"dad take my chair" harry says as harry sits on another chair

"go ahead son" desmond says

"as i was saying we have been talking alot and think at this point in the company we need to find a human resource director" harry says as becky starts to smile "so we been looking and i want to introduce you to louis tomlinson the new human resources director"

'what' becky says as she stands up in shock "but it would be right that the position would go to me"

"becky excuse me when i interview mr tomlinson the ideas and what we can do with human resources was brilliant mr tomlinson will start on monday so please let him know what the practices and procedures are the first 2 weeks he will be observing and taking notes and then the two of you will work together to make some of the procedures better and remove what is not working" desmond says

"but mr styles i been here for 3 years the director position should of been mine" becky says

"let me honest with you" desmond says "we have had several complaints about human resources and we really like you but we dont think you have the experience for the director position but we think that with mr tomlinson  you can learn alot from him but as for now i have made the decision and i hope you will cooperate with mr tomlinson so that we can have a strong human resource department and our employees will start to trust Human Resources again" desmond says

"so i am going to be his assistant" becky questions

"not quite you both will have your work duties and will come together to come up with ideas" desmond says

"ok sir" becky says defeated

"you can go" desmond says "but please have a copy of the employee handbook and processes and procedures and leave it to me in my office by the end of today"

"yes sir" becky says as becky stands up and walks out of the office

"harry please take mr tomlinson to where his new office will be and he can make a list of what he will need and make sure its here by  friday" desmond says as becky closes the door

"yes sir" harry says

"i will have stella from purchasing meet them in the office is it the one by Becky's office" niall says

"yes" desmond says

"ok"  niall says as he walks out of harrys office

"i want the both of you to be professional i am asking you please" desmond says

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