Chapter 2

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to say that sunday was to quick for louis and harry it came to fast and both are nervous

"louis hurry we are going to be late" jay yells out

"mom im coming just need my shoes" louis yells out as he looks int he mirror as he takes a deep breath as he puts on his necklace as he walks out of his room and walks downstairs "how do i look i think i should change"

"mom im coming just need my shoes" louis yells out as he looks int he mirror as he takes a deep breath as he puts on his necklace as he walks out of his room and walks downstairs "how do i look i think i should change"

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"no you look beautiful" jay says

"wait i need some lip color" louis says as he puts on a lip tint on

"lets go before we are late and we dont want to give the styles family a wrong impression" dan says

"ok lets go" louis says nervously as he takes a deep breath and they walk out of the house as dan drives to the styles house and they soon get there as they get off the car and knock on the door as anne answers

"jay dan how have you been" anne says

"really good and your self" jay says as they hug "anne this is my son louis"

"nice to meet you mrs styles" louis says nervously

"call me anne" anne says "nice to finally meet you louis and my you are beautiful"

"thank you" louis says with a smile

"honey" desmond says

"honey the deakins are here" anne says as louis says a tall gentleman walkting to them "louis this is desmond my husband"

"nice to meet you sir" louis says as they shake hands

"nice to finally meet you" desmond says "harry should be here in a few minutes he was running late"

"its ok no worries we had to hurry louis up or he would of taken another 5 hours" dan teases

"dad please" louis says as they start to laugh

"excuse me let me call harry see how far he is" desmond says as he walks away and calls harry

"what" harry says as he answers

"how far away are you" desmond asks

"i just pulled up the driveway i am here ok" harry says annoyed as he hangs up on his father as desmond walks out of the door

"listen to me you are going to be nice and god forbide you leave me in shame tonight here is the engagement ring you are going to give louis whether you like it or not" desmond says as he gives harry a ring box as harry puts it in his coat pocket

"im here aint i" harry says with anger

"get in the house and dont you dare make your mother and i look stupid i am warning you harry edward styles" desmond threatens

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