Chapter 17

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"at 9" desmond says

"I will be here" louis says

"Daniel wants harry on conference call" desmond says

"I will let him know" louis says "your son is a fucken dumbass"

"I know" desmond says laughing

"can you please come with me to harrys office so I can get some things he asked me for" louis says

"how about we go get them and I take them to him until things calm down" desmonD Says

"your right lets go" louis says "do you have your phone mine is at my desk"

"yeah lets go to his office and I will call him" desmond says as they walk to harrys office and louis gets what he needs and smiles as he sees pictures of quinn and him

"umm I think I got everything" desmond says as they walk out of harrys office

"mr styles this is everything harry asked for" louis says

"thank you louis I will drop this off at his house tonight" desmond says as louis goes back to his office as becky walks in the office

"louis" becky says

"yes" louis asks

"belle came to look for you and she seemed very upset" becky says

"let me call her" louis says as he calls belle and soon hangs belle walks in the office "belle have a seat and tell me what you want to talk to me about"

"thank you" belle says as she sits down and louis closes the door as he sits down

"tell me what do you want to talk to me about" louis says as he takes out his notebook

"I know that you and harry are married and you are not doing anything about what margret told you about harry harassing her and she is going to sue you all" belle says

"yes harry and I are married but that does not interfere with my investigations on any claims no matter who the person is which is why we as in desmond styles and I made the decision that it was best for harry to go home and work from home until the investigation is completed" louis says

"that is bullshit he should have been fired" belle yells out

"calm down I am not going to argue with you and I am not going to discuss the investigation with you so is there anything else you want to talk to me about" louis says

"olivia is right you are incompetent at doing your job" belle says

"if that is so then you can leave if you want but I will not be disrespected you can go" louis says

"but I want to know what you are doing to investigate this" belle says

"I will not talk to you about it since it does not pertain to you and margret was the one that opened the case against harry" louis says

"well this is bullshit she quit because this was too much" belle says

"I will not discuss the investigation if she wants any updates she will have to come and talk to me personally" louis says as calm as he can as he saw that belle was recording

"we will get revenge on what harry did to my aunt" belle says

"if that is a threat you can get your things and vacate the premises" louis says

"its not a threat" belle says as louis picks up the phone

"paul can you come and escort belle off the premises and make sure she gets her things" louis says

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