Chapter 7

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"Harry" olivia says

"hey I am sick can you come take care of me" harry says

"have your wife do it I am going shopping with my friends I just done have time" olivia says

"I I need you right now" harry says

"im busy and my friends and I are going shopping and I cant cancel on them" olivia syas "can you send me some more money"

"umm sure" harry says as he hangs up the phone and finishes his lunch but he was still hungry as harry stands up and opens the door "louis"

"get back into bed" louis yells out as he walks up the stairs "and put your shoes on"

"im sorry can I have more I am still hungry" harry says as he gets back into bed

"hmm let me get you something else don't want you to over do it" louis says "now get back in bed"

"ok" harry says as he goes back into bed and louis goes back upstairs

"I brought you some oatmeal" louis says

"umm thank you" harry says

"no problem take your medicine and I will come back and check up on you in  a few hours" louis says

"umm I ran out of medicine" harry says

"umm ok let me go get you some more just rest and you better not call your office and work" louis threatens

"I wont just its nice to be taken care of" harry says "just being looked after thank you"

"you don't have to I mean you can call your girlfriend and have her do it I don't want her upset" louis says

"she doesn't care all she wants is my money took me this long to realize that my parents where right" harry says

"ohh" louis says "umm let me go to the drug store and get you more medicine"

"umm ok do you need money" harry asks

'no its ok I got some" louis says as he walks out of the room and goes to the near by drug store and gets what he needs and soon drives back to his house and walks in and goes to the master bedroom and sees harry asleep as louis leaves the medicine on the night stand and walks out of the room and goes to the kitchen and starts to make soup for harry as he lowers the heat on the stove louis goes to the living room and watches television and goes to check up on harry and sees he is asleep and goes to the kitchen and the soup sis ready as louis turns off the the stove and goes back to watching television and soon falls asleep as harry yells for louis as louis runs up the stairs "whats the matter"

"it hurts my side hurts" harry says in tears from the pain

"you are sweaty" louis says as he feels harrys forhead "you are burning up"

"im cold" harry says

"we need to get you to the hospital" louis says

"no I am ok" harry says

"stop being stubborn this might be something more than just a fever either we go or I call the ambulance" louis says

"ok just please hold on to me" harry says

"I will never let you go" louis says "put your shoes on"

"umm help me my side hurts so bad" harry says as a tear continue to fall as louis helps harry up and harry puts his slippers on as louis wraps his arm around harrys waist

"umm take your time" louis says as they walk down the stairs and louis gets his car keys "I need your medical card"

"in my wallet on the night stand" harry says as louiis runs back to the house and picks up harrys wallet and something falls out and louis picks it up and it's a picture of them on their wedding day and sees the back and in harrys writing it says the day I knew I loved you and louis smiles as he puts it back in the wallet and leaves as he gets in the car and they drive to the hospital

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