Chapter 10

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"is that harry again" louis asks "You can answer"

'no it's a phone number I don't know" anne says confused

"just answer see who it is" louis syas

"hello" anne says confused

"umm I am looking for a relative of harry styles this is the last phone number that was dialed on his phone" the person says

"who are you how do you have my sons phone" anne questions

"I am sorry my name is chris I am the emergency room nurse at cottage hospital and your son was brought in he was in a car accident and we are treating him"

"noo is he is he alive" anne questions as Louis gasps in shock

"the doctors are treating him I don't have any other updates but that he is being treated" the nurse says

"I am on my way" anne says as she hangs up the phone as panic starts to get to her

"anne what is going on" louis asks as he starts to panic

"harry" anne says as she tells louis what the nurse told her

"no please no" louis says as he starts to cry "please anne I want to go with you"

"umm I cant drive and neither can you" anne says

"call desmond or niall or liam" louis says

"no one is answering" anne says

"let me order a lyft but try to get ahold of everyone let me call zyan" louis says as louis orders a lyft car and tries to call zayn is not answering as the car arrives and they are taken to the hospital and run the as they are told to wait in the waiting room and a few a hours later a doctor walks out

"family of harry styles" the doctor says

"ummm I am his mom" anne says as louis and anne see olivia walks in

"me" olivia says

"and you are" the doctor says

"im harrys fiancé" olivia says as she shows the ring

"ok well mr styles is in a coma and the next 48 hrs are very crucial" the doctor says "I am sorry to say but if we have to would you like us to resuscitate"

"yes" anne says

"no" olivia yells out as she walks to the doctor

"you save him you do what ever it takes to save his life" louis says

"and you are" the doctor says

"im still his husband" louis says

"you are divorced" Olivia says annoyed "why are you being so vindictive"

"save him do what ever it takes to save him" louis says

"what quality of life is he going to have if something bad happens to him what if he isn't the same" olivia yells out with anger

"what is your point don't you love him enough to save him and be there for him what the fuck do you want me to do" louis yells out

"let him die that would be a lot better than needing to be cared for the rest of his life" Olivia says

"Doctor save his life do what ever you need to do to save his life and don't listen to her I am still legally married to him our divorced isn't finalized for another 60 days" louis says " I can have my parents bring the paperwork"

"im his mom and i agree with louis" anne says

"i will need the paperwork but since his mother is here i we will do what ever we can" the doctor says as he walks away

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