Chapter 5

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The following days were spent having fun and enjoying the city louis enjoying that harry was attentive and loving with him but louis knew it was all an act and that broke louis even more and its harrys birthday and he is getting ready they are going to go out and have dinner and go to the club again harry asked to go again

"louis are you ready" harry says in a monotone voice

"almost just need to put my necklace and shoes" louis says as louis walks out of his room and harry stares at him" what"

"you look beautiful" harry says "that skirt is to short and tight"

"I know I love it" louis says as they hear a knock at the door and everyone walks in as they leave the hotel room and head to the Eiffel tower and soon are taken to a private elevator and go to the restaurant "this view is always breathtaking"

"not as breathtaking as you" harry says

"AWWW" the friends says

"stop it" louis says as he starts to laugh as the waitress takes their food and drink and order "happy birthday hubby"

"happy birthday harry" everyone says as they raise their glasses and toast

"thank you everyone I am having so much fun" harry says as he puts his hand on top of louis and interwines their fingers as harrys phone starts to ring and harry sees it and ignores the call

"who was it" liam asks

"my  mom probably wants to wish me a happy birthday" harry says

"well you can call her tomorrow we are going to get our drank on and I am ready to dance my ass off" niall says

"me too" louis says  as they continue to eat and drink and soon leave the restaurant and go to the club and get a private table as they order more drinks as stephanie zayn and louis go to the dance floor as they start to dance and enjoy their time together and soon harry niall and liam as they continue to dance louis grinding into harry as harry put his hands on louis waist  as harry stands louis up and turns him around  and starts to kiss him passionately as he puts his hands on louis asss

"I need you" harry says into louis ear seductively and louis ignores him as they continue to kiss and dance "I want you"

"we should get going" niall says "they are about to do last call"

"yeah lets get going" harry says as he interwines his fingers with louis as they walk off the dance floor as the DJ  does last call as they leave and take a taxi back to their hotel as the go to their rooms as louis and harry walk into theirs as harry grabs louis arm "kiss me"

"umm we shouldn't" louis says as harry gets close to louis and louis takes a step back "umm I got you a gift happy birthday even if  it was a few hours ago" and louis goes to his room and gets harrys gift and gives it to him

"what is it" harry asks

"open it" louis says "hope you like it" and harry unwraps the gift and opens the box

"a watch" harry says as he takes out the watch from the box

"yeah I heard you and niall talking a few weeks back and you told him you liked this Gucci vintage watch and I got it for you umm hope you like it" louis says

"I love it thank you" harry says with excitement as he takes off his watch and puts on the new one "fits like a glove thank you I appreciate it"

"no need umm happy birthday umm I feel tired I am going to bed and these heels are killing me" louis says as he takes them off and walks to his room as he changes his clothes and lays down as he falls asleep and the following morning louis wakes up and goes to take a shower and soon walks out as he changes his clothes and goes to the living room and starts to watch television as harry walks out of his room

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