Chapter 2

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Harry's POV:

We get motioned to go on out to do our interview and Brad is already suspicious of how I reek with Vodka. I hope the other guys do not notice. I can feel my stomach start turning as we are now seated on stools in front of what felt like a million lights. They were not helping with the uneasiness in my stomach.

"Good afternoon," the lady who was interviewing us said.

"Good afternoon," We all chimed back.

"Well, why wait any longer," she spoke, "let's get this interview rolling." She smiled and began looking down at her notes.

"First question, Harry?" Oh no... I'm up first. "Can you tell me what it's like to still be together as a group after almost three years since you first met?"

"Uh, well you know," I fumble, "It's still the same as it was before." I smile and try to avoid eye contact.

"Things are still as awesome as they were three years ago," Louis adds. I shoot him the 'What would I do without you' look. He returned it with a smile. Man, that feeling in my stomach is really kicking ass now.

"And what about you Niall, how would you say things have changed since the X Factor?"

"Oh, well, I feel like it's definitely more than all of us could had expected. All the fame and all the girls," Niall smiled.

I felt like the entire interview was heading for disaster; every question and every word felt like forever. I had began to sweat, a lot to be exact. The boys were not paying too much attention to it though. I had no idea what time it was nor how long we had been in the interview. I can't even remember if I've been asked any more questions. My head was spinning and I could hear the clock ticking away on the wall beside me.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

"And let's lay some rumors to bed, shall we?" she asked.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

"No, we're not seeing each other now," Zayn laughed.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

"Danielle and I are fine," I heard Liam say, blushing.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

"And what about you, Harry? Anyone special?" I could hear her ask me. It sounded like my entire body was submerged under the water. The room was spinning profusely and so was my stomach. I had no idea how much longer I could hold on.

"Harry," I felt Louis' hand grasp my shoulder, "You okay mate?"

"No.... No I'm not okay Louis." I could feel the anger rising in my voice. His eyes widened and tried calming me down. I see him lean over and whisper something to Zayn.

"Why the fuck are you talking to him, Lou? Do you fancy him more than me?" I was slurring my words. I could see the words as they hit Luis' face.

"Harry, shut the fuck up," Zayn said walking towards me.

"Get away. I don't want you near me." I kicked at him but Liam grabbed my legs and held them tight. Dammit, they were strong. It seemed like the more I struggled, the faster I was falling into the darkness. At this point, Niall and Brad had rushed over to the interviewer and began explaining to turn the cameras off and end the interview. She nodded and proceeded to do so. We finally get Harry wrestled backstage before turning him lose. Louis now had tears streaking down his face.

"What the hell was that Haz, huh?" Louis looked pissed, "Now the whole fucking world is going to know," his voice broke.

"Well fuck sake's, that's what you wanted. Now, piss off Lou," I stumbled at him, pointing a finger to his face. I don't recall much after that. I do remember feeling something crash into my face as I fell to the floor.

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