Chapter 4

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Zayn's POV:

I closed the front door to our flat and stepped out into the cool air. I pulled my jacket closer and began walking. I pulled out a cigarette from my pocket and lit it up. I really don't know why I had tooken up smoking; I just knew I was a lot calmer when I smoked. I was passing in front of shops and crowds of people outside clubs. I could really feel a taste for some beer right now, but I knew it wasn't for the best of me tonight. I didn't want to run into any trouble, or worse, Danny and Brad. I had no idea as to where they were going, but I surely didn't want to let anything slip out in front of them. I may not agree with Bra'ds choice in Danny, but they still were together and I had to respect that. I decided it was okay to stop in and grab a bite to eat. I strolled inside out of the cold and patted my feet on the floor to knock anything off. I walked over to the hostess who greeted me with a smile.

"Can I help you with something tonight, Zayn?" she smiled at me. It was one of my old friends, Amanda.

"Uh yeah, can I just get a table for one tonight?"

"Of course, but I am shocked that you don't have a girl with you," she teased at me as she motioned me to follow her to my table. She picked a quiet one in a more remote part of the restaurant. 

"Do you want anything to eat?"

"Can I just get a sub sandwich with everything on it?" I asked.

"Should had known," she smiled and wrote it down, "And I suppose a beer to wash it down?"

"Not tonight." She looked taken back but wrote it down and walked off. I was happy I had not ordered a beer to drink. I guess just being alone without the boys wasn't as pressuring as it is when they're around. My hands fell to my pocket, "Damn it." I had left my phone back at the flat. This was just wonderful.

"Zayn," I heard someone call out.

"Brad, Danny, what are you guy's doing here?" They were the last two I wanted to see out here.

"It's freezing out there," Brad shuddered.

"Mind if we join you mate?" Danny asked sliding the chair out before I could answer.

"No, not at all." I had no choice of saying 'Yes I do mind'. 

They sat down at the table and Brad took off his jacket and handed it to Danny who folded it and laid it in his lap.

"You guy's hungry," I asked.

"Nah, we just ate. We were walking back, but it's breathtakingly cold out there. We had to stop in and warm up a bit." Brad was adorable when he wanted to be. I smiled and laughed.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm not feeling all too well babe," Danny said, excusing himself from the table. I waited until I heard the door open and close before I spoke.

"So, how are you two?" I asked stupidly.

"We're great," Brad responded. The color was now starting to come back to him. "He took me out to the movies and out to eat. Like I said, we were on our way back when the wind picked up and it was too cold to walk on."

"It's freezing out there, yeah." I suck at conversations. I was trying to hide the fact I was being wrapped up in his words like they were a lullaby. Brad was always good with words, as he was our new writer who wrote a lot for our new album.

"So, how did it go with Louis and Harry?"

"Well, I don't think they fought. When I was on my way out they were together on the couch asleep."

"That's good. I was hoping they would get over it." He smiled and laughed.

"You know what?" I started, "I am the only person in that house who is single." 

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