Chapter 5

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Zayn's POV:

I woke up in my room the next morning, thankfully. I was more than sore from last night. How could Danny just attack me like that? Even if I had been talking about Brad, I would never come in between them. Then I remember the last part before I blacked out; I could had swore I heard him and his "cousin" getting a little bit more than comfortable. Could Danny be cheating on Brad, I don't know. My mind was so out of it that I could had been dreaming it all. Either way, I had to lift myself up out of bed and go get something to eat. I felt like I hadn't ate in weeks. I pulled my shirt over my head and slipped out of my room and down the stairs.

"He's alive," Niall playfully yelled as I entered the kitchen.

"Oh my God man, shut the hell up," I whispered back. It hurt to talk, even to just think about talking. I was pretty fucked up from the fight. I grabbed a bowl of cereal and sat down at the table. 

"So, where's Brad?" I asked.

"He's at Danny's," Harry said casually, looking at the paper.

"Fucking Danny?" I was shocked.

"Is there something wrong mate?" Liam asked.

"No, apparently everything is just peachy."

"What is he talking about?" Louis nodded to Harry who shrugged his shoulders.

"What happened?" Harry asked.

"Nothing," I said furiously. I threw my bowl into the sink and stormed upstairs. I slammed my door shut and threw myself onto the bed, almost in tears. How could he love such a monster?  Either way, I was still pissed that Brad was out with that cheater. 

I had to tell him. 

I pulled myself together and threw clothes on and headed back down. I had reached the bottom when I could hear the front door open. I walked on around the corner and saw Brad walk in. He was brushing the snow out of his hair, no signs of Danny. I could feel myself just wanting to calmly take him into the hall and tell him what I knew. 

I had no idea if he would believe me or just flat out hate me, but it was going to be worth the try. I slowly walked over to him; I could see the boys begin staring as I walked up to him.

"Do you have a second Brad? I really would love to talk to you mate," I said softly. I could see his eyes grow big as he nodded his head. He followed me into the hall upstairs. "I need to tell you somet-" I felt his hand crash into my face. He just slapped me.

"Who the hell do you think you are Zayn?" he said, backing me into the wall.

"What.... What are you talking about?" I could feel the tears burn my eyes. That really hurt. My voice was cracking.

"Danny told me everything. Making a move on him out in the alley. You son of a bitch." Another slap.

"He told you I caused all this?" I said, choking in between tears.

"How could you try doing that to me. You know how much I love him," he protested. I wanted to just slap him and tell him LOVE is not cheating on your boyfriend with his fucking supposed cousin Kaitlin.

"Fuck you," I blurted, pushing him back and went into my room. I was so angry at myself. Danny had lied and said I tried to break them up. It wasn't too good on my behalf either with how the restaurant visit went. I should had told Brad it was him because now he thinks I'm in love with Danny and Danny, being the asshole he was, just made sure Brad would not change directions. It hurt to think of what all I had just said. It's true though, I love Brad, a lot. Ever since he came here and joined our family. He makes me happy. I couldn't take it anymore. I pushed myself onto the bed, ignoring my bleeding cut, and fell back to sleep.

You Only Want Me Cause I'm Taken.....(BoyxBoy) #Wattys2015 #LGBTWhere stories live. Discover now