Chapter 25

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Zayn's POV:

I couldn't really move. I was numb. Not a painful numb, but one that made me feel relaxed.

I wasn't dead, no. I could hear everything. I could still feel my heart beating in my chest.

I really wanted to open my eyes and show the world I'm still here, but I couldn't.

Then, almost like a flood, memories hit me left and right. Now I wished I was dead......

I was upstairs in the bedroom, pretending to be asleep wile secretly watching Brad dress from the corner of my eye. I sound like a creep, but that's okay. He then slipped out the door and I could hear his footsteps heavily on the stairs. I could hear the fridge open and seconds later the pans frying something delicious. Then, I fell back to sleep peacefully. It didn't last long though.....

You're a fool Zayn Malik. He doesn't love you, he's using you. He doens't care about your heart, just your fame and your money. You're trash to him....

His evil laugh snapped my eyes open again. I was panting hard from the dream. I needed water, now. I got up and just slipped on my joggers heading to the bathroom. The wind chilled me to the core. I don't really remember that window being opened.... I shrugged and headed into the bathroom. I could hear laughs from below and I smiled. I was happy I had each and every one of them. May family...

I slid the toothpaste across my tooth brush and added a little water to it. I began brushing my teeth. I heard rustling so I stopped brushing for a moment to listen. When I decided it was the wind blowing careless about the room, I began brushing again. I spit the paste into the sink and began filling my cup to rinse....

"Zayn..." it whispered...

I dropped the cup and sent it smashing on the floor. The shards went everywhere, so I became careful of my footing. I stepped over the mes and began to take off out the door when I was jabbed in my side, knocking the air out of me. I slipped on the floor and hit the door hard with my head. I could feel the world spinning. I didn't have much consciousness with my attacker, but they were male.

He lowers himself over my now lifeless body and presses something wet into my mouth. A cloth I assumed and it smelled horrible. When the liquid mixed with my saliva, it burned. I could feel it running down my throat. I couldn't cry, I couldn't scream..I had to just lay there and take it...

"I'm going to kill you, Zayn. And I'm going to watch the light fade from your eyes...."

With that, they were gone. I don't remember much, just more of my body shaking and violently at that. My insides were on fire. Then, I was out...

And that's why I am here right now.


Peacefully numb.....


You Only Want Me Cause I'm Taken.....(BoyxBoy) #Wattys2015 #LGBTWhere stories live. Discover now