Chapter 13

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Brad's POV:

Zayn was released from jail almost a day agao and he hasn't left my side since. We've snuggled all day getting ready and packed up for the tour and even had a little "personal time" this morning. I was so excited about him being home I truly was, but Liam was still in my mind. I mean I have no desire to be with Liam. I just had this guilty sense for not telling Zayn about what happened. Liam and I swore to never tell anyone about the other night.....

"Earth to Brad," Zayn chuckled, waving his hand in front of my face.

"Oh, sorry..." I blushed a bit.

"No need to apologize. I was just asking if we were going to share a bunk on the bus together?" Of course we would share a bunk. I just wasn't in the right mind set to talk about it. Liam and I was not acting right around one another. I didn't want the boys to take notice about anything.....

"Yeah, I don't care," I said. Zayn just eyed me and kissed my forehead.

"There something wrong?" he asked tenderly, pulling me into him.

"No, I just... I feel tired is all," I lied. He pushed himself up from the floor where we were sitting and gathered some more clothes and threw them into a bag. I had a feeling Zayn knew I was lying. I just hoped he didn't find out the reason as to why I am lying. Liam walked in and almost choked when he saw me in the room with Zayn...

"Oh.... ahem.... I thought I-I would get everyone together..." he trailed off in a stutter. Zayn looked back at me and then back to Liam who was standing uncomfortably in the door way. I just looked down at the ground and turned red. Zayn gave me the look that said it all.

"You know Liam, I don't think I have time for another of your damn meetings," he almost spat back in Liam's ear. He then grabbed the bag and continued out the door, bumping into Liam in the way out. Zayn was a little more clever than what you would think. If I didn't... If WE didn't tell Zayn about what happened, things could get worse. Liam had tears in his eyes as he turned to walk out.

"Liam," I called. He turned to me, "We need to tell him. I think he knows..." I said embarrassed at the idea. Liam just nervously nodded and went out the door......

Zayn and I were not talking to each other the entire way out of London. We had to start the tour in London and then all over Britain before we would finally make a stop in the States. I was happy to get the chance to go and see my parents and my family again. It's been almost two months since I seen them at the hospital. I missed my family a lot too. Zayn was giving me cold stares from the other side of the bus. I could not bring myself to look him in the eye. In fact, everyone was quiet. Even Niall who would normally be talking our heads off. Zayn got up and headed into the bathroom. We heard the water turn on.

"So, what's up with Zayn?" Niall asked quietly.

"He's mad at me," Liam whispered.

"What did you do mate?" Harry asked.

"I hurt him badly...." is all I could squeeze out. I heard the water to the shower cut off and Zayn came back into the lounge area of the bus where we were. His hair was wet with water. He finally cleared his throat.

"So, are you two going to explain yourselves?" he asked angrily. Liam whimpered and I nodded weakly.

"We didn't mean to..." Liam began. Zayn threw his head back and chuckled. It was not funny, it was sarcastic. His eyes were black with hate. I felt like I pushed him away and will never have him again.....

"We didn't mean to Zayn, it just happened," I begged him.

"So you two fucked?" he asked with a grin.

You Only Want Me Cause I'm Taken.....(BoyxBoy) #Wattys2015 #LGBTWhere stories live. Discover now