Chapter 7

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Louis' POV:

I listened to Harry pour out his heart to management as he retold our first moments together. I had tears pouring from my face as I watched him cry too. "We were backstage on the X Factor when we were told we would be a group. I was already trying to get his attention. There was something about Lou that made my heart fall in my chest when he smiled, when he talked, even when he laughed; there was something that was always making me more and more giddy to be around him," Harry said, wiping tears from his eyes.

"I could definitely tell he was interested, it was just that he didn't know at the time that I was too," I spoke. I felt his hand tighten in mine.

"Then one night, after the show, we were heading off to a bar to celebrate, when I had a little bit too much to drink," Harry chuckled as I laughed, recollecting the moment we first kissed.

"I was standing in the corner with Niall when he came and took me around the corner. He began to tell me how he felt. At first, I thought he was just drunk and didn't mean a bloody damn thing he was saying until he kissed me," I smiled. "I was thinking, this bloke is kissing me and I'm kissing him back finally. I didn't realize it was actually going to turn into a full blown relationship until I woke up the next morning with his arms wrapped warmly around my waist." I thought I was never going to shut up. I kept pouring more and more out. The first time we had sex, with Harry adding as much as he could to the story to make it sound amazing.

"But of course," Harry started, "We did break up, but only once."

"That was when I started seeing Eleanor and Harry and I grew distant of each other. Eleanor and myself dated for six months before we broke it off. I knew, and so did she, that I wasn't the same without Hazza."

 We had managed to kill a few hours before we finally ended the meeting, Harry and I sobbing into each others shoulders. It felt good to tell them what we desperately tried to hold back for so long. They reassured us that everything was going to be fine and not to worry about pesky interviewers trying to get what they could out of us.

"This will strictly be up to you two if you decide to come out with the story you told us," Simon said sternly. We nodded and agreed. We were then back out the doors and into the car heading home. I never thought we all would stop hugging each other on the way back; I guess we were relieved we were all still together as a group. Harry and I held hands and cuddled as usual on our way back home. Harry and I wasted no time going upstairs and making ourselves comfortable under the covers together.

"Ew, they're going to be lovey dovey. Who wants to go out?" Niall called. We could hear them all downstairs rustling about and talking amongst themselves. Hazza and I had the entire flat to ourselves and we were going to make the best of it.

Zayn's POV:

We had finally gotten out of the meeting with management. Fortunately, everything went incredibly well. They were understanding and even gave them the opportunity to tell the public about it. It would b totally up to them and I just hope they make the decision they want too. We were all excited for them when we got back into the car, congratulating them and giving them hugs. I had an idea of what they would be doing when we got back. Then seeing them like that made me feel lonely; not bitter, just lonely. 

I had never exactly had the chance to tell Brad what really happened or explain to him how I felt. Now was more of wandering if I ever would get the chance to tell him. We finally pulled up to our flat and as soon as we stepped out, Harry and Louis headed upstairs to their room. I laughed to myself as Niall teased, "Ew, they're going to be lovey dovey. Who wants to go out?" That was a no brainer, all of us. I had made my way upstairs into Brad's room, hoping to find him there. I stepped into an empty room and a cold bed where he was just hours before. I was a bit disappointed and then I remembered the note I had left on the counter. I ran downstairs and found his in place of mine. I picked it up and read it. He's at Danny's, again. I'd give anything for him to be sound asleep in my room right now. Niall threw his hand onto my shoulder, scaring me a bit.

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