Chapter 23

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Zayn's POV:

"She's what?" Brad gasped as he cupped his hand over his mouth.

"Her bed's empty.." I began.

"We have to go find her Zayn. What if Danny has her?" Brad was almost hysterical.

"But what about what Simon said you guys," Niall piped up as Brad rushed to the front door.

"He's right Brad. It's not safe to go alone. You don't know what's out there... Who's out there..." Harry said as he tried to force Brad to listen.

"And what about her? She's out there... ALONE... We can't protect her like Simon said too," Brad shot back. Honestly, it was true. We couldn't keep our word with Simon if one of us were missing.

"Okay.." was all I breathed out.

"Okay? Are you mad?" Harry raised his voice a little.

"Harry, we'd do the same thing if it was one of us and you know that," I said through gritted teeth.

"For all we know, she could be on the outside looking in on us. She could be the one with all these rumors flying about!"

"Harry! You can't pin this on her!" Brad began to get angry.

"Listen to yourselves! Just a month ago, you hated her... She ruined your relationship. Now you want to allow her to stay here unsupervised while we're out?!"

"Shut the FUCK up Harry," Brad was now in Harry's face with his eyes gleaming with anger.

"GET A GODDAMN GRIP YOU TWO!!!" Liam roared from the kitchen. It was too late. Brad was now pinning Harry down on the stairs as they rolled around.

"GET THE BLOODY HELL OFF OF ME!" Harry yelled. I tried to pry them apart, but as I began to, Harry placed his foot on Brad's stomach and pushed him back, forcing me over and Brad to stumble into the door. I laid there as I saw Liam move over to help me up. Brad was returning over to where Harry stood. Before any of us could catch them, Harry had slapped Brad right across the cheek. Brad bounced backwards from the slap as silent tears fell. Harry had backhanded him, hard.


Brad had now brought his gaze back to us. We all stood there, motionless. Blood was splattered all about his upper lip and his nose was beginning to drip with it. Before either of us could protest, Brad had unlocked the front door and bolted out of it. I was frozen in my place when I could hear Liam pound towards the door. I broke from my trance and bolted out the door too.

It was almost like a movie; I really couldn't hear anything or register my surroundings. All I know was my feet were sprinting towards Brad across the side walk. I could hear the other boys call out for him, but I couldn't. It was like my mouth wouldn't allow me to speak. I could feel sweat beading off my forehead, My lungs were collapsing.....

"Zayn? ZAYN?" was all I could hear as I stopped in my tracks. I could hear voices around me, but nothing I could understand. Slowly, I could see the blackness edge around my vision before I was swallowed whole......


There's a tree.... A tree on top of a hill.... I can see it, but I don't think I know where I am...

"Do you trust me?" I could hear it almost echo through my skull as I tried to wake up.

"Of course I trust you..." It's a female's voice. It's Kaitlin....

You Only Want Me Cause I'm Taken.....(BoyxBoy) #Wattys2015 #LGBTWhere stories live. Discover now