Chapter 15

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Zayn's POV:

I had no idea what had came over me. I never thought that I would be having sex in a closet. The boys loved to laugh about it. I smiled and blushed occasionally, but honestly, I was embarrassed that I did it. It sounded like a good idea at first, but now I just felt bad for making Brad feel like he's just a fuck. I knew he probably didn't feel like that, but I did.

"What's wrong Zayn?" Harry asked as we headed backstage, ready to go out and perform.

"Nothing mate. Let's do this," I said, pulling my thoughts together.

"You boys are ready in five... four... three... two..." Paul counted down.

"GOOD EVENING LONDON!" Harry screeched to the sold out crowd. They screamed and cheered for us as we walked onto the stage. I felt the energy surge through my body as we all began to perform.....

After the show, I really wanted to talk to Brad, but it seemed like I would never get the opportunity too. Brad was now becoming a little star too. People knew he was our writer, and he sang every now and then to the fans. They really did enjoy him a lot.

"Oi," I whispered to him, "Do you think you'll have time to talk later?" I asked him. He nodded. I then walked away and gave him his time for fame. Louis and Harry were with a group of girls who were swooning over them. Even though they came out as a couple a few months ago, the girls still tried doing what they could to be a part of them.

It wasn't long before we had met what seemed like everyone at the O2 Arena in London. I was tired and just wanting to lie down with Brad. I ran over behind him and picked him up off his feet and began running with him.

"Zayn, what are you doing?" Brad asked and snickered with me. I ran out of the Arena and onto the street. I met a group of fans on the way too...

"Awe, look at them. They look so happy together," I managed to hear one of the girls say. I blushed deeply.

"Oh, we're not together," I said back. The girl looked scared as I laughed it off. Brad did his best to be angry, but ran away on the bus giggling. "Now, if you don't mind, damage control," I smirked and ran onto the bus. When I got there, it was quiet. "Uh, Brad?" I called out. I then felt a pair of warm hands clasp over my eyes as I felt warm breath on my neck.

"Element of surprise baby," he whispered into my ear. I shivered with pleasure. He then kissed my neck and found my spot and continued to nibble at it for a while. I let it be and wrapped my arms around his waist to where his hips were grinding my ass. I felt Brad begin to moan. Then, ll the boys made their entrance onto the bus.

"Oh God, get a room you two," Niall laughed. We pulled away and I embraced Brad.

"I could say the same to you two," I added, nodding towards Louis and Harry who were practically eating each other's faces off. I laughed and sat down. I still wanted to talk to Brad about what had happened earlier.

"So, what should we do tonight?" Niall asked.

"Ugh, I really just want to sleep. No parties for me," I said. Niall's face dropped as everyone else agreed.

"Hey," Liam cut in, "What if me and you made some dinner?" Liam asked smiling. Niall's eyes grew wider and he nodded. We all laughed and then waited for dinner.

"Zayn, there was something you wanted to talk about?" Brad asked me.

"Uh, I mean it can wait later...." I tried to keep the stares away from me. I didn't want to talk about it with the others around. He nodded and returned his head into my chest. We watched Niall and Liam begin cooking and goofing off. They seemed like a couple now. I guess all this "gayness" on one bus was too much for them to handle. I suddenly burst out laughing while everyone sat looking at me like an idiot.

"What's so funny?" Harry asked, giggling slighlty too.

"Nothing..." I lied.

"No really," Liam spoke.

"Well, I was just thinking about how much you two look like a couple now..." I finished, unsure with what I had just told them. Niall laughed and Liam threw an arm over his shoulder. Liam ruffled Niall's hair and hugged him. Everyone began laughing.

"Well, we were going to wait and tell you guys, but...." Liam began. We all fell silent. Wait, what?

"I'm just joking," Liam laughed. Whew!

Later that night after we had all eaten, Harry had drug Louis off to the back and Niall had fallen asleep on Liam's shoulder. Brad and I laid there in the floor staring up at the ceiling. "So about that earlier," I started.

"What?" Brad asked.

"You know, the closet..."

"O-Oh... What about it?"

"Well, did you like it?"

"It was different." Oh no, he hated it.

"I'm a terrible boyfriend, aren't I?" I asked softly.

"NO! You are amazing," Brad said, springing to his knees.

"I felt like it was dirty of me to do that to you," I looked away as I said it.

"Zayn, I liked it. It may not have been a picnic, nor a movie, but I liked it." Awe, maybe he did like it.

"Well, I promise next time, it'll be a proper date babe," I said as I kissed his forehead......

Harry's POV:

I laid there next to Louis as he slept on my arm. I was glad that he and I were together and public too. I don't think I could be happier. Sadly, a lot of our fans were not as accepting of our relationship as others. Mostly because our fans knew exactly who they would marry and Lou and I were always at the top of that list. We got hate mail on the regular and other ridiculous things. We lost a few followers on Twitter and a good part of our fan base. I didn't care though, Louis was my life and they needed to get over it. I snuggled closer to him. When Louis rolled over and let me out of his grasp, I decided now would be a good time to piss.

I got up as quiet as I could and made my way into the bathroom and relaxed as I peed. When I finished, I walked out of the bathroom and back into our room in the back. Louis was still sound asleep.

Beep. Beep.

I seen his phone light up from a text message. Who could be texting this late at night? I grabbed his phone and pulled it close to my face. It was a Tweet to Louis.....

@One Directioner1d1d @Louis_Tomlinson FAG!!

I immediately became angry and threw his phone back down. Stupid fans who can't accept us for who we are. Louis' groaning is what made me look away. His face was twisted in a way that made me think he was having a nightmare. He shuffled slightly then his eyes sprang open, sweat drenching his face.

"Lou, are you okay?" I asked.

"I had a bad dream.... They hurt you...." he said as he began to cry. I rushed over to him and threw my embrace around him. He snuggled up to me.

"It's okay baby," I cooed, "No one will get me or you."

"Do you promise me?"

"I promise you Lou." I could feel him trembling against my chest. I played with his hair and sang to him until I felt his heart beat soften and his breathing irregular. I then laid him back onto the bead and cuddled him close to me. If this is how life is going to be, I needed to protect my Lou as much as I could......


A/N: Awe hell, you guys will hate me. I've been planning this part out. This story is just now jumping into full mode. You guys will hopefully still love me at the end, but I can't write a happy story... I mean, that's typical... But like I said, it's just a story. None of this is real.... Any who, VOTE, COMMENT, ENJOY :)

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