Chapter 16

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Harry's POV:

Lou really hasn't been sleeping well lately. All he does is toss and turn and randomly wake up in the middle of the night, sweat drenching his face every time. I assumed he was still having these bad dreams about people hurting me. He never really tells me the content of these dreams. I just know that afterwards, I'm clinging to his shaking body while he sobs violently into my shirt. He looks pale and weary and I'm beginning to worry. It's just not in Lou's nature to be quiet.

"Louis, do you want anything to eat?" I asked. He just shook his head. "You'll feel better... And look better..."

"What's that supposed to mean?" he snapped angrily back at me.

"I'm just saying you look pale baby is all..." I cooed. I edged closer to him.

"I'm not hungry Harry..."

"Oh come one Lou... for me boo bear..." I whispered as I touched his hand with mine. He flinched away and glared at me.

"For fuck's sake... Leave me alone Harry...." he called as he walked away. I felt hurt. Almost abandoned.....

"Harry, you know he'll come through eventually," Zayn spoke, "It's probably where we were cooped up on that bus for so long." He had a point. This was the first hotel we stayed in since our shows in London. I just nodded and threw myself into the chair.

"I just wished he would try and push those dreams away...." I trailed off.

"I know... Listen," Zayn began, "Right before Brad and I got together, I had these dreams... well, they actually happened, but still dreams. Maybe you should talk to Lou about what he is dreaming about?"

"I've tried. He just grunts and runs away. It's like he's afraid they will actually happen," I almost yelled. I just wanted to keep Louis safe from whatever was bothering him.....

"I'm going out," Louis called as he grabbed his coat and walked out. Zayn sat glaring at me.

"Okay, I will go get him..." I said as I picked myself up and threw my coat on.

Louis' POV:

I slammed the door to the bathroom shut after I stormed away from Harry. I couldn't deal with him questioning me again. Why couldn't he leave me alone? I grabbed a bottle of pain killers from the sink and began to open them, but the lid was stuck. I had the worst pain in my head......

Hello, Louis.....

What? I heard this voice call almost from inside the room with me. Then I felt this terrible pain in my stomach as I threw the bottle against the door. It flew open and sent the pills all over the floor.

Just... Just leave me alone....

I wanted to yell, but it felt like the life had been drained out of me. Finally, I gained enough power to push myself up off the floor and rest on the toilet. It was gone. I now had tears streaming down my face. What the hell just happened? I picked up the pills and put them back into the bottle. After I put them back on the counter, I rushed out and headed back out where Harry and Zayn were. Damn, they're still here.

"I'm going out," I called as I slid my coat on and walked out. I didn't want to hear what they were going to say. I rushed out before they could say anything. The last thing I wanted Harry to know is the truth about my dream.....

Zayn's POV:

It wasn't too much longer after Harry ran out of the room that I felt my pocket vibrate.

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