Chapter 24

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A/N: This entire Chapter will be in Brad's POV.........


Brad's POV:

I woke up feeling warm. I was held by Zayn who wasn't seeming to ever let me go. I quietly laughed as I tried soundly to push away his arms without waking Sleeping Beauty from his sleep. Once I had accomplished that, I found my way downstairs into the kitchen where Kaitlin was sitting with a bowl of cereal.

"Good morning," I quietly spoke to her.


"Sleep good?" I asked, begging for conversation.

"Meh, it wasn't the best in the world..." she replied. I decided maybe it was just the morning that held her from speaking fully, so I went on to make breakfast. I had made some pancakes and bacon before I heard bustling about upstairs. Wasn't too long until blue eyes were peeking into the door.

"Good morning sunshine," I chimed to Niall.

"G'morning," his grumbly sleep voice spoke back. He had began to take some food when I playfully smacked his hand away.

"Away heathen, let everyone wake up and have a bite before you eat us out of house and home," I laughed. Niall pouted a tiny pout and looked like a hurt dog with his tail in between his legs, so I allowed him a small stack of cakes before he rushed off to the table to devour them.

"How many would you like Kaitlin?"

"Oh, no. I'm stuffed-"

"Two?" I smiled at her.

"Make them small ones, yeah?" she laughed back. I was happy to see her smiling, even if just for a moment.

Liam was next to pile in, followed by Harry and Lou who never show up without the other far behind. Still Zayn hadn't quiet made it up. We were all laughing and having a good time, especially since tonight we had a big show here in the states. We could hear a faint shuffle upstairs and I smiled to myself.

"It's about bloody time," Niall sneered. We waited a few more minutes, but still no Zayn. My stomach began twisting. More tiny faint noises from above, yet no Zayn.

"I'll go get him, he's prolly too sleepy to stand," I chuckled, trying to hide my uncertainty. I edged up the stairs until I reached the top step. I slowly made way down the hall. I could hear more and more noises from the room, but when I peered into the room, no sign of Zayn anywhere. I was turning to leave when a small bump made my entire body tense up. I ran towards the bathroom and opened the door slightly.

On the floor was Zayn....

Jerking about mindlessly....

White shit pouring from his mouth.....


We made it to the hospital a little after 12 noon......

Still no word on Zayn's immediate condition.....

"Brad?" Harry called to me, shaking me from my moment. I just stared pointlessly back at him.

"You need to sleep mate..."

"I'm fine Harry, really," I almost whispered. My voice was dry and croaky. I hadn't done much of eating or drinking, mostly just crying. I stared blankly at the floor, trying to think about what to do or say. Then, the door to the ER opened and out walked a tall man, he was the doctor over Zayn. I remember him from earlier....

"Any words?" Liam asked, trying to stay strong for everyone.

"I do.... May I speak to whoever found him first?" he asked us. Everyone turned to me with bright eyes as I shakily stood up and walked what felt like hours towards the door......

We were now in a break room. The door had been closed and locked. I was offered coffee and donuts. Even though my mind said no, my stomach churned with defeat. Then, the questions began.

How long have you known Zayn?

What's the details of our relationship?

Did any of the boys have an enemy outside of work?

Who was inside the house living?

Even though I just wanted to spill every detail about Danny and everything, I could tell the doctor wasn't being as opened as I had liked.

"Is there something that I need to know right now? Do not hold back anything, I have the authority to know!" I began raising my voice.

"He was poisoned..." the words slipped effortlessly from his lips as I sunk back into my chair.


"Is there anyone inside the house with you guys that may have done this? Even any of the other members? It's for Zayn's safety..."

"No, not that I know of... We all have our normal spats, but in the end we are a family..."

"Anyone other than a member inside the house as well. I recall seeing a girl with your earlier..?

Boom! Just like that it hit me.....



I had my mind all but calm as I raced back to the waiting room. Kaitlin, I trusted her and that bitch is out to kill us! But, why? I threw away those questions for later. I pushed open the doors and saw them all sitting patiently waiting. They all stood. Surely enough, someone was missing..

"Where's Kaitlin?" I did not hesitate asking.

"She left a little while ago, said she had family things-" Liam stated.

"Bullshit! Zayn was poisoned and she's the fucking reason he almost died!" They all stared with wide eyes.

"What do you mean Zayn was poisoned?" Louis asked.

"Someway or somehow, he was slipped something early this morning, they're still not fully sure how it was introduced to him, but it came back positive for arsenic poisoning. If I wouldn't had found him, he would had been dead in minutes. And that bitch. She sat down there all quiet and shit! I'm going to KILL HER!!" I was now shouting and half sobbing. Liam threw his arm around me and muffled my screams.

"Shh, Brad, we can't let people know about this. Please, stop crying. We need to find her now!"

Liam was right, crying about this wasn't going to solve anything at all. We needed to find her immediately before she kills someone else.


A/N: I'm so sorry this is so freaking late! I hope you guys still enjoy this book. Sadly, two more chapters :( I've had truly an amazing time writing this. But I do have my mind on something for later down the road also, don't give up just yet! Come on guys, get this story recognized, I need me some support here. VOTE, COMMENT, ENJOY!!

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