Chapter 14

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Zayn's POV:

I woke up the next morning and felt the urge to talk to Liam about last night. I wanted to apologize for being such an arse. I slipped my shirt over my head and walked out to the lounge area of the tour bus. As I expected, Harry and Lou were still asleep with Brad on the couch. Niall was cooking up a storm while Liam held his stare out the window. He looked distant and deep in thought. "Uh, good morning," I called as they looked at me confused. I weakly smiled and sat opposite of Liam at the table. He looked a bit uncomfortable as I sat down in front of him. He wasn't looking directly at me, more at everything around me. "I'm not looking for your forgiveness about what I said last night Li," he nodded and looked away. I grabbed his hands and put them in mine. He shivered at first, but soon relaxed. "I am sorry Liam. More than I have ever been in my entire life," I finished with tears pricking my eyes. Liam bit his lower lip as it quivered, holding back his tears. I pulled him to my eye level and pressed his forehead to mine. It was awkward at first, but I felt like it was needed. Liam was practically a brother to me. I then stood up and walked back over to Niall to continue helping him cook breakfast........

"Oh, come on Zayn," Liam laughed at me while we played Truth or Dare. We had all made amends for what happened last night and were now sitting around the bus playing the absurb game while drinking. Brad was pulled into my lap with my hands resting on both his shoulders as he laid back on my chest.

"Who was she?" Harry teased more at me. They had to ask me who I lost my virginity too. I would love to say I lost it to Brad, but that would be a lie. I just wasn't comfortable talking about that in front of him.

"I would really not want to answer that question at the moment Harry..." I said eyeing Brad in front of me.

"Fine then. Be muck..." he laughed at his own words. "Brad, I am going to ask you.... Who was your first kiss?"

"Oh nooo...." Brad laughed. He pondered for a moment. "Honestly. it was Zayn..." What? I had been Brad's first kiss? I didn't know whether to be excited or what. I could see all the boys got quiet when he answered. "What?" he asked innocently.

"I-I was really your first kiss?" I asked sincerely. He looked into my eyes and nodded. Wow, this is a lot to take in... Was I also his first?

"Is that a bad thing?"

"Well, no it's not. I just didn't think I was special enough for someone to consider letting me be their first," I said honestly. I had never really felt that important to someone that they would give that innocence away to me. I always viewed myself as Zayn Malik from One Direction who didn't care about anything or nothing at all. For some reason, my heart just felt like it clicked in place. I smiled at Brad and pressed a kiss on his lips.

"Don't ever think you're not special Zayn. You mean the world to me..." he said as I pulled away. I now felt like I did. Harry got the hint and decided the game was boring now and we all went off in our separate ways. We would be onstage later tomorrow evening giving the performance of a lifetime. Right now, I needed to have the moment of my lifetime with Brad.....

Brad's POV:

A/N Just a quick note, I will finally have a little heated Brayn action... Haha, yeah, Brayn is what I've decided to call these two :P I'll let you know when the action starts so you can ignore it or read on lovelies :) And the Video to your right will be best if played during this saucy scene ;P

I really didn't know how to take Zayn's reaction to him finding out that he was my first kiss. I bet he'd flip out when I told him he was also my first. I really would had loved to waited for the right time, but it all happened so fast. The party, the drinking, then the kissing that lead to our one night stand which ultimately lead to us also having a fling. I don't regret it at all, I mean I do now have Zayn as mine to call, but I just wished it had been a little more "romantic".....

You Only Want Me Cause I'm Taken.....(BoyxBoy) #Wattys2015 #LGBTWhere stories live. Discover now