Chapter 8

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Brad's POV:

I woke up the next morning and could hear people whispering in my room. I wished I could see who they were, but it didn't take me too long to know it was the boys. I could also hear Zayn. 

I was so happy to know he'd come to see me. 

I also remembered the last time we talked I had slapped him twice across the face. Would he forgive me, only time would tell. 

"Zayn, you have to tell him," I heard Harry whisper to him.

"Would it matter? He probably can't hear me anyways," Zayn shot back. I so badly wanted to tell him I could hear him. I wished I could just do something to let them know I was still here with them. Instead, I just laid there and listened to each of them talk to me.

"I want to go last, and be alone," Zayn said.

"And I will go fourth, because I talked to him last night a little," Harry spoke.

"Well, I want to go first," Niall called before anyone else. I could hear him walk over to the edge of my bed and stop. "Hey there Brad, it's me, Niall. I really never done this before. So, I'll try and say all that I can and try not to be repetitive. But like all of us here, we need you back with us. You really do mean a whole lot to us. We're not just speaking rubbish, we really do. More than just our writer; you're our best friend. I just wanted to tell you, it would mean the world to me if you were to wake up. Now, I'll be back later, but I think I'll turn it over to Louis right now," he finished.

"Way to put me on the spot Niall," Louis laughed. "But anyways, I don't think Niall could had said anything better. It really isn't the same without you bud. It's amazing how fast we get attached to people that just suddenly walk into our lives one day and promise to do the things that you have done for us." I could hear him begin to sniffle.

"Try and hold it together Lou," Harry said to him, "Be strong for Brad."

"I'm trying, it's just so hard to see him like this. I want him here with us," Louis finished and then turned to head out. I heard the door close behind him and then Harry call out.

"I'll go check on him. Tell Brad I'll talk to him later." I understood, I knew how it was between them.

"Okay, I guess it's my turn," Liam laughed, "Brad... Liam here. Harry went to go talk to Lou and try to calm him down. He'll be back up here in a little. I wished there was something I could do to make you wake up, but I think I'll leave all of that to Zayn. We'll all be here waiting like Niall said. No matter how long it takes. We will not let you go until you let go of us." I could hear more sniffling, this time from both of them.

Liam was quickly losing his grip on his feelings. Zayn wasn't doing much better. 

I could feel both of them take hold of my hands, Liam on my right and Zayn to my left, slowly rubbing my hand. 

It felt so good. 

I could hear him whimpering as Liam began muttering prayers under his breath. It was making me sad to hear them. Niall slowly began to join in at the foot of my bed, resting his hands on my legs. It was sad and a bit humorous to me. On one hand, they were trying to ask to give me the strength to push through this and on the other, I felt like I was being exorcised. I felt my lips curl into a smirk and let out a low chuckle.

"Oh my God," Liam said, pulling back, "I think it's working." 

I still was unable to open my eyes, but I could feel closer to them than what I had been; like a wall was torn down that held me back. The next thing I knew, someone had crashed their lips into mine. It caught me off, but damn, it felt good.

You Only Want Me Cause I'm Taken.....(BoyxBoy) #Wattys2015 #LGBTWhere stories live. Discover now