Chapter 12

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Zayn's POV:

I was more than pissed off; I was ready to kill. No one will hurt any of my friends and try to get away with it. Danny would be better off dead once I got hold of him. I was going to rip that stupid little smirk off of his stupid little face. I was waiting for the bastard to slip up again so I could I do what I promised I would....

"Zayn, wait up man," I heard Harry running after me.

"No Harry, you can't stop me..."

"Whoa, who said I'd stop you," Harry grinned and hugged me, "Lou and I just thought we'd stand by so nothing happened..."

"We're all in this together mate," Louis smiled. It was good to know someone was with you. With that we were all three now finding our way back to Danny's flat with one thing in mind; a beat down. We quietly sneaked into the building hoping not to alarm anyone who lived there. We crept around every corner to evade being caught. It kind of felt like we were in a movie, sneaking up on the enemy. Harry and Lou would peer around one corner and give the OK to continue on. It didn't take long for us to reach his door. I grabbed the knob and Harry knocked my hand off of it.

"Wait," he whispered. Good thing we did....

"You should had seen the smut little look on the wanker's face Kaitlin," We could hear Danny talking. That bastard was talking about Niall. And yet he was the one that ran away.

"I know Danny, you've told me a million times.... One more time, scream like he did..." she giggled. Danny let out a girlie scream and they both burst out laughing. Enough of this shit. Fuck knocking.....

"What the FUCK!" Danny yelled as I kicked his door in to the flat.

"You disgusting little bitch," I said grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. I punched him so hard it sent him flying into the wall. His head hit the wall first and he fell to the floor with a thud. I wasn't finished yet. I kicked him in the stomach before picking him up again and sending another crashing blow to his nose. I could hear the crack, as well as feel it too, grinding against my knuckles as the blood poured from his nose. I had beat him unconscious. Kaitlin had ran and called the police yelling that we had killed her boyfriend. What a bitch, she knew as well as I did that Danny caused all this to happen to him.....

I didn't run from the cops, nor did Harry or Louis. Even though if we had, convincing the police that three fifths of one direction beat the shit out of your boyfriend was a little more than unusual. Instead we waited for the police to arrive. As of course, I was arrested for breaking and entering, assault, and being a nuisance; I supposed the other residents heard the assault and reported it too. Either way, I was smiling. Danny would too be spending more than a few days in jail; there were witnesses to the fight at the bar. Harry and Louis were fine and free.

"Tell Brad I will see him in a couple days," I smiled. Damn, this was the only hard part. I wouldn't have my baby at my side tonight. I told Harry and Louis not to take Brad to see me, that would make him and I miss each other that much more. And with that, the police car pulled away and I watched as Harry and Lou faded from sight........

Brad's POV:

It's been three days since Zayn was arrested. I hated that he had to go because of what happened, but Management had phoned Liam earlier about the situation. Zayn would spend tonight on jail, be out in the morning at noon, and then we had to pack for tour the next day. I had almost forgotten about the tour. This two and a half weeks has really been a long time. I pushed my scraps of paper away that I had been writing some new material on. I was excited for the Up All Night Tour. It was the first one I would be on since arriving back in the summer. Of course, I wouldn't be on the stage with them, but I could feel the butterflies in my stomach. I had always dreamed about being onstage in front of thousands of people chanting my name and singing along to the songs......

You Only Want Me Cause I'm Taken.....(BoyxBoy) #Wattys2015 #LGBTWhere stories live. Discover now