Chapter 19

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Niall's POV:

I woke up in a warm embrace; Liam. I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck and began kissing softly on his skin. He was in a deep sleep, but it was when I began licking his neck that he began to stir rather quickly and, well, excitedly.

"Hey there, you," Liam cooed into my ear before pressing a sweet kiss on my cheek. I playfully wiped it off and pouted. he chuckled, "Oh, alright," he said before giving me a peck on the lips. I wrapped my entire body around him as we melted into each other's skin.

"I missed you," I whispered into his ear as I trailed my hands over his back. He shuddered with chills.

"Ni, I was here the whole time. We were in the same bed you know, asleep together?"

"Sleep is too long," I cheekily added before deserving me another peck on the lips, this one more longer.

"What if I told you I have something planned for us today?" Liam spoke after a few moments of silence.

"Like what, a date?"

"Yeah, something like that...." He looked uncomfortable when he said it. but once my face lit up with joy, his expression softened. This time, I leaned in for the kiss and took control, swiping my tongue over his bottom lip, asking for entrance. He put up a fight at first, but reluctantly gave in. His mouth was warm as our tongue's collided with one another while we fought for dominance. His hand trailed along the back part of my boxers before dipping down inside to grab my bum. He held it tightly, making me pull back and gasp at the pleasure he sent through me. He was quick to push his mouth back to mine.

For what felt like forever, I finally fell on top of Liam while we gasped for air. We had never kissed like that ever.

"So... when's the... date?" I asked in between breaths.

"Well, it was supposed to start ten minutes ago, but we got caught up in making out...." he smiled at me.

"I'll go get ready," I said as I rushed to the shower.

"Oh, I just wanna show you off to all of my friends, making them drool out their chinny-chin chins. Baby be mine tonight, mine tonight. Baby be mine tonight, yeah....." I sang as I danced around the hotel bathroom. I didn't even notice Liam had came in and was now standing in the doorway watching with a huge ass grin on his face.

"I could get use to this," he spoke cheekily as I turned in horror that I had been caught.

"Why don't you just take a picture, you perv," I added with my tongue out at him. He chuckled at my expression.

"Nah, I got a better idea," he said as he dropped his boxers and took my hand. I stood there with my mouth open at the seen if front of me.

"W-w- will we fit?"

"Yes, Ni."

"I mean will it," I said pointing to his manhood. His face turned a thousand times redder than ever as he blushed.

"Only one way to find out," he smiled as he proceeded into the shower with me right behind him......

Zayn's POV:

I laid there on the couch where me and Brad had fallen asleep, my arm still perfectly wrapped around his waist. I was still glowing from yesterday's performance. I finally kissed the guy I wanted and everyone knows it. I knew I would of course have to deal with people who have opinions on my relationship; even worse, Management. I sighed as I unwrapped my arms from around his waist and gently got up, not waking Brad. I grabbed my phone and sleepily yawned as I went through all the Tweets and notifications I had. AS I said before, people were talking....

What such a cute couple.... #Brayn

OMG, I am so deep in feels right now #Brayn

Hashtag Brayn was also trending on Twitter now....... 



God is disappointed in Zayn Malik.....

Ewww, GAY is NOT the WAY.....

Yeah, people and their opinions. I ignored the rude comments and flicked on the tube. I watched it from the kitchen as I ate a bowl of cereal. I didn't have the volume up just not to wake Brad, but also because I didn't really want to hear anyone's opinion in sound either. I just laughed at some things on there before I saw Brad startle from the couch.

"Zayn?" he asked sleepily.

"Here babe," I called as I turned the channel. He turned and saw me as his smile met mine. He got up and walked over to me. I wiped the milk from my mouth as I kissed his lips tenderly before pouring him a bowl of cereal so we could eat together. We spent the next ten minutes in complete silence as we ate. Every now and then, I would steal a glance of Brad as he ate, but quickly looked back to the screen when he caught me. He started laughing.

"What?" I asked surprised.

"Nothing Zayn.... Mister Peek-a-Boo...."

"I have no idea Mister Chuckles..."

"Well, then maybe this will refresh your memory," he said as he proceeded to reenact what I was doing. I laughed hard as he began laughing too.

"Gimme a kiss babe," I whispered as my lips brushed his. He returned the favor as he flicked his lips against mine in seduction. We probably would had stayed like this for another year if I hadn't got a call.....

"Who is it babe," Brad asked as he spooned another mouthful of cereal.

"It's uh, management..." I hesitated before pressing the accept button and pushing it to my ear.

"H-hello?" I asked shakily.

"Zayn?" I could hear Simon's voice.

"Yeah, hello Simon," I answered back. I could see Brad's face tighten with fear as he ate.

"We all need to have a talk. Be here at seven this afternoon...."

"Yeah, sure, we will be there."

"Okay. Bye now," he said sternly.

"Bye." I could feel my head began burning with questions as I put down my phone.

"What was it?" Brad asked.

"We have a meeting with management tonight at seven...."

"I'm going-" he began.

"NO! I want you to stay here babe," I shot back. I could see he was scared from my tone. I leaned in and pressed another kiss to his lips. "It's alright...."


A/N: Soooooo sorry this is short :( I haven't updated in forever and I thought a filler chapter would be necessary at this point. Still more excitement to come your way I promise :) I'm so freakin' happy you guys are reading this!!! I honestly didn't think I would get so many reads in such little time :) SO Thank You <3 Anyway, I promise to update soon for more drama..... I would really like some comments on here like people have started to do on my other stories. I appreciate your guys' opinions :) Don't forget to vote as always. Enjoy LOVES!!!!! :)

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