Chapter 18

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Brad's POV:

I sat glaring at the cold tiles on the floor of the hospital. Almost an hour ago, Zayn and I had found Kaitlin helpless on the sidewalk, bleeding out from a wound to her stomach. The image of all the blood as it rushed down to the pavement made my stomach grow weak. I had it all over my hands. I could feel the silent tears making their way down my face. This was someone I thought I could trust. The person I thought was my friend. Even though I was more than angry, I still had this rush of guilt that made it's way into my mind. I really didn't know how I should completely feel about the situation. In the end, she was still someone who was hurt. Then my mind froze in fear as her words kept burning my eyes again and again....

My baby.......

"Are you here for Mrs. Adams?" I heard a husky voice ask. I looked up and caught the doctor glaring at me. I nodded and he motioned for me to come back with him. Zayn was asleep in his chair so I never bothered waking him up. I followed the doctor through a series of halls, watching as the other visitors cried silently in their chairs. We stopped in front of a door and the doctor waved me on in. I pushed open the door and made my way into the room.

It was chilly and I could already feel questions rising in my mind. She was awake, sitting up in her bed. When she saw me come in, her face fell to the covers on the bed. I sat in the chair opposite of her bed. I silently sat there while fidgeting with my fingers. I wanted to just burst out yelling, but I figured that would be inappropriate. Then again, stealing someones boyfriend and lying the entire time is inappropriate too. My mind was still searching for something to say when I heard a quiet whimper of words.

"You hate me," she said almost shushed. I stared at the wall as it pained me to answer her question. I could feel the lump forming in my throat. "It's okay, just say it...."

"I don't.... I don't hate you.... I hate your ways," I answered coldly. It was true. Then I thought, "How's the baby?"

"Fine..." she breathed out.

"When did you find out?"

"A month ago."

"Is Danny happy?" I nearly choked out. I hadn't said his name in almost two months.

"He kicked me out, said it wasn't his." I nearly fell out of my chair when she said it. I could tell she was hurt as she began to sob.

"Is it?"

"Of course it is! He's just an asshole," she yelled.

"I'm sorry to hear that.."

"No you're not.... You're glad he did this to me."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because I hurt you..." I swallowed the words I had to say back to her. She did hurt me, more than I caould fully describe, but I would never wish this upon someone ever.

"Yes, you did hurt me. Bad. But never would I wanted this to happen. What happened to get you here exactly?" I asked.

"He left me out on the streets, fend for my own. I was walking to find a place to sleep when I was attacked. I never saw his face, he said if I opened my eyes, he would kill me..." she trailed off. "He then tried to rape me, but I was quick on my feet, but not quick enough...." she sobbed. She was almost raped. Someone tried taking advantage of her and nearly killed two people. I left her alone in her room sobbing. I made my way back to the waiting room. I had managed to find the doctor to give him my number to give to Kaitlin. I know I probably shouldn't, but in a way I forgive her. I feel like the biggest weight is gone from my heart.......

It's been almost a week since we left Kaitlin at the hospital. She won't text or call me which is what I expected. The tour has went on as scheduled, leaving sold out arenas in awe of the boys' awesome performances. Zayn and I are now showing little hints of a relationship out in public; a sweet hug here and an even more love-look there. It isn't too hard to see we are an item. I don't think this tour could be going any better.

You Only Want Me Cause I'm Taken.....(BoyxBoy) #Wattys2015 #LGBTWhere stories live. Discover now