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1 YEAR LATER......

Harry's POV:

Louis was found almsot dead where Danny had left him. Danny had escaped the police during a relocation trip. He had heard we were at the club and found his way through security and set out to kill Zayn. Louis was the one he mistakenly caught and was furious enough to slit his throat. I found Louis writhing on the ground as blood poured from his throat.

I never wanna see that ever again...

Louis had severe vocal damage and was left mute. Danny was caught three hours after when he was reported for suspicious behaviour and linked to the attempted murder of Louis....

Since then, One Direction grew apart....

We basically broke up.....

We live different lives now. We have new jobs and no one has time for anybody. Fortunately, Zayn and Brad are married now. Zayn's turned into quite success himself and is planning a debut solo album......

Niall is in talks with opening a Nandos back in his hometown in Ireland. He also plays futball now and again when he can. Niall took it the hardest with the news of One Direction splitting. Niall lost his joy for singing and refuses to talk to anyone really. He thinks we gave up too soon....

Liam is a singer also, but he's fallen into the wrong path. Rumours of drugs and alcohol seem to litter the tabloid covers. I only keep in close contact with Liam, hoping he'll realize what he has. Niall and Liam split right after the band did when this Sophie girl came along. She's the reason Liam is in this state. She's no good for him, Niall is.....

Then for me, I have secluded to my own home in London. It's private just the way I like it. Louis and I are still together, but he's not allowed to live with me until he's rehabilitated. Louis always complained about these dreams he had and I told him they were nothing.

I blame myself for what happened.

So everyday, I crawl into my car and drive unknowingly to the manor that Louis stays at. It's beautiful, but never as beautiful as him. Louis blames himself also for us splitting. Even though it's far from the case, he refuses to believe it. He was doing fine, other than not talking, and the doctors were contemplating on letting him go home with me.

Then he attempted suicide...

I don't know what drove him to want to harm himself like that. He was found with a blade to his throat right over the scar. He feels like he should had died that night. I try to convince him I'm nothing without him, but he doesn't listen.

So here I am again. Driving to the manor to see Louis.

Everyone knows me there personally now other than being a singer. It's nice to have gotten a break from all of it. Though, I wouldn't care to have it all back. I smile to the receptionist as she opens the visitors book for me to sign.

"Good morning Harry," she breathes out.

"Morning Anna," I smile back at her.

"If there's anything you need just let me know, okay?"

"Of course."

She opened the door and let me into the corridor of Louis room. It was a sunny day which was unusual for this time of the year. I took a deep breath and exhaled as I stood in front of his door. As cheesy as it may be, I bring flowers once a week to him, hoping one day he'd realize the nightmare is over. You never know what to expect once the door opens. Just can hold your breath and pary he's still alive.

I ring the visitor buzzer and wait for the okay to go in. When the door opens, Louis is sitting in the window with his legs hugged to his chest. He turns my way and smiles, patting the space next to him. I pace over to him and engulf him into a hug, kissing him deeply. Louis blushes and relaxes into my touch.

"How have you been boo bear?" I ask curiously. He nodded.


Louis used sign language to speak which was better than writing. He just became furious and would fist his hair. I learned it to with him so he wouldn't feel alone.

"I brought you these," I said as I held the flowers out. He smiled and kissed me. He rushed over and got the vase to put them in.

I've missed you.

"I've missed you too baby," I say as I kiss his head.

"Lou, can I ask you a question?" He nods, "When do you think you'll be ready to go home with me?"

I don't know...

"Have you tried talking any?"


"Why not Lou?" I can feel myself getting upset. I stand up, and pace. Louis becomes nervous as I pace. He's easily scared now after what he has been through. I stop pacing and smile to him.

"I'm sorry." I walk over and pick him up with a hug. He can't really laugh, so he just smiles brighter than ever. I twirl us about until I throw him gently onto his bed. We end up in a mess of legs and arms as I laugh and kiss him once more.

"Excuse me," a lady comes by the door, "It's lunch time for Mr. Tomlinson," the older lady smiles. I kiss his nose as she walks away.

"Come on Lou, let's get you some food, okay?" I hold my hand out. When he grasps my hand I pull him into a sudden kiss. I trace his neck as I pepper it with kisses. When I know I'm at his sweet spot, I bite tenderly.

That's when it happened. Something I had waited to hear for a year now.

"Harry..." he whispers into my ear.....


You Only Want Me Cause I'm Taken.....(BoyxBoy) #Wattys2015 #LGBTWhere stories live. Discover now