Chapter 9

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Brad's POV:

*Just so you know, a little more than PDA in this Chapter.... Read at your own expense :)*

I assumed I had "woken" up around midnight because I could hear the boys snoring loudly. I remember my family coming and seeing me. It definitely helped hearing their voices again. Wasn't exactly too keen of Zayn spilling the beans, but there was nothing I could had done. It was like all I could do was sit and painfully listen as the boys told one by one their own stories. I could tell Zayn was really interested in me again and honestly, I was too. I wasn't in any hurry to just jump back into a relationship that fast, but I knew he would respect that and just let things happen. First, I needed to make a full recovery from this. 

I wasn't thinking about anything in particular when I heard a shuffle in the night over towards my bed. I felt someone climb into the bed with me and wrap their arms around me. I could feel their breathing get warmer as they got closer. Their lips pressed to my ear.

I've tried playing it cool, but when I'm looking at you.

I can never be brave, cause you make my heart race.

Shot me out of the sky, you're my Kryptonite.

You keep making me weak, yeah frozen and can't breath.

Somethings gotta give now,

Cause I'm dying just to make you see.

That I need you here with me now,

Cause you've got that one thing.


When he was finished, he planted a kiss right on the side of my face. He was warm and inviting. He took his arms around my body and snuggled to my chest. It wasn't long before I could feel his breathing evened out and he drifted back to sleep. It wasn't going to take me too much longer before I fell back asleep again; this time, warm and happy.

*Stop reading now if you're not comfortable continuing on :)*

I was walking down the hallway, Zayn heavy on my heels when he turned me around and pressed my back to the wall. "What are you doing crazy?" I teased.

"What if I told you, I wanted you right now? If I just whisked you away and took you to my room and laid you down with me? Would you follow?" he asked, his lips inches from mine.

"Well, I don't think I'd have much of a choice now would I?" I smiled. He smiled back and closed the gap between us and I felt his lips move against mine. "What about the boys?" I asked, pushing him back.

"We'll keep quiet," he smiled as he picked me up and ran into his room and locked the door. He walked me over to the bed and placed me right in the middle. He slipped hi shirt up over his head, his perfectly toned body glistening in the moonlight pouring through the window. He climbed up on top of me and placed my hands over my head while he leaned in for another kiss. Our tongues danced carelessly inside the others mouth, intensifying by the second. I was more than worried about how far this would go, but Zayn made sure I was safe. "Will you let me inside you?" he asked, licking his lips.

"I'm so afraid."

"Don't be, it's just me. I'll take care of you," his eyes beckoned. I could feel the butterflies build in my stomach as we continued on. He got into the drawer next to the bed and retrieved what was a condom and lube. I was almost embarrassed at the thought Zayn was going to see me naked, especially with him looking as good as he did. He slipped his shorts off and then his boxers. I had never seen Zayn like this, but he was more than a sight. He was perfect to me and that was all that mattered. He wasn't a bad size at all either. I was now nervously waiting for the next thing; sex. I had slipped my shirt off and tried hiding myself from Zayn who kissed my neck and bit playfully at it. I threw my arms around his neck and he laid there. He kissed my lips one more time before slipping my pants and boxers off. I wasn't too shabby myself, and Zayn laughed slightly as I caught him staring. 

You Only Want Me Cause I'm Taken.....(BoyxBoy) #Wattys2015 #LGBTWhere stories live. Discover now