Chapter 20

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Zayn's POV:

I sat in the car, patiently waiting for us to arrive outside of Modest! Management. No one was really talking, just exchanging a few stares of reassurance. Honestly, the silence wasn't helping me at all. I felt like this was all my fault. I just needed someone to tell me otherwise. I really wished I had Brad right here with me, but I didn't want him to be here if we get told bad news. I really hadn't thought about how I would tell him if we had to break up because of the band's image. Maybe we could run away together. Yeah, to the States and hide out back in his hometown.....

"We're here," Paul's voice startled me as my head shot up and while we pulled out in front, guards were surrounding our vehicle as I could hear the frantic cries of fans outside the car. I took a deep breath and shook out what little nerves left I had in me.

"Oh my GOD! Larry!!"

"Louis, be mine forever,"

"Zayn, ditch the bitch and date me,"

"Gay is not the way...."

I could feel the anger boiling inside of me as the doors closed behind us and the quietness of the building surrounded me. It was deathly silent, the kind you fear the most.

"Boys?" Simon called to us, "Follow me." We all nodded and proceeded in the direction that he was headed. Hall after hall, this reminded me all too much when we were dealing with Louis and Harry. Except they were told good news....

"In here," he motioned us through a door as we entered. He closed the door quietly and made his way over to a desk and slumped against it with his arms crossed. He cleared his throat and began to soothe into a conversation. "Let's be clear, something must change," he said rather sternly, "First it was Harry and Louis, now it's Zayn."

"It's not how I intended it," I said almost raising my voice with anger.

"I never said it was Zayn, I just want you all to know your consequences with the situation; album sales have declined slightly. We're not near as much as we were making in the beginning."

"If this is all just about the money, then I'd much rather be out," I hissed back. I could feel tears prick the outer rims of my eyes as I tried to push them back. Fortunately, Harry and Louis were both nodding back in acceptance.

"Zayn's right Simon," Louis spoke up. I could see Simon was still trying to figure out how to handle the situation. He was chewing on the inside of his mouth as he stood quietly, searching for an answer.

"This is not my decision of what happens for the future. I'm just trying to explain how all of this could be done and over with another blow to your image-"

"I don't give a fuck about my image... If the fans can't accept me for myself and not some fake ass person created by an industry, then I can live without them. I've done it once, I can sure as bloody hell do it again." I could feel the tears sting my eyes as I jumped up and made way out the door, despite the calls from the others. I could feel my world slowly caving in. Each step felt like it was heavier than the last. My vision was blurry........


Brad's POV:

I was lying on the couch while watching some TV program that was on. I was relaxed and about to drift to sleep when I heard a knock at the door. I almost jumped at how loud it was compared to the stillness of the flat. I slowly rubbed my eyes to regain my state of mind, which was almost useless. I opened the door and Kaitlin stood there. As much as I wanted to just turn and walk away, I couldn't. Especially not after what happened a week or so ago.

You Only Want Me Cause I'm Taken.....(BoyxBoy) #Wattys2015 #LGBTWhere stories live. Discover now