Chapter 3

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Louis' POV:

The trip from Eleanor's was more than quiet. I had drowned just about every noise possible out as I walked through the streets. I knew she was right about Harry and I making up; hell, we'd be bonkers for not trying to stick things out. I just really would hate to see everything disappear. I shook my head to clear my thoughts. I was trying to piece my words together I would say when I felt my phone vibrate. I slipped my phone out of my pocket; it was Liam.

Oi mate, where are you?-Liam

I was at Eleanor's house-Louis

Oh thank God.... We had no idea were you were. Lou, are you coming home?-Liam

Yes Li, don't worry. I'll be home early this morning.-Louis

Don't do anything stupid you will regret.-Liam

I won't Liam, I swear. i'll talk to you later.-Louis

See you soon mate-Louis

I slipped my phone back into my pocket and continued walking. It was hard thinking about going back and home and facing the boys after the fight, even more so when I thought about Harry. I really didn't mean to hit him like I did. It was everything that I had built up over these past few months; I couldn't hold them in any longer. 

I felt terrible and almost delighted it had happened. I got to get it all off of my chest. Yes, I do feel like shit for punching my boyfriend, but, it was done and over with. I can't take it back now. 

I had now been wondering the streets for an hour. It was getting colder by the minute so I decided to head on into a dinner on the corner. They were just about empty with just a few people left eating. I sat down in the booth in the corner and ordered a coffee and a little something to eat. The coffee was definitely enough to wake me up as I gulped it down. It felt really relaxing to be eating without people climbing all over you to get a picture or an autograph. 

I had taken my phone out and placed it onto the table, giving me a little entertainment. Nothing was happening on Twitter yet which let me know word of the interview had not gotten back to anyone. I wasn't afraid of the world knowing I was in a relationship with my best friend. I was just afraid of how the world would treat us when we became open about it. I quickly snapped out of it when the waitress approached me.

"Is anything wrong?" she asked. I smiled and noticed a tear was falling. I had to pull myself together.

"Oh, no. I was just laughing to myself," I smiled and wiped it away. How did I not know I had been crying? She looked at me for a minute as I kept my eyes on her, trying to convince her otherwise. She final popped her gum and strolled away to the next table. My eyes fell back onto my phone where I saw a picture of Harry. I slowly wiped my hand across the screen. It was a picture I had snapped when he was smiling when we went on vacation back last year. He had stolen my beanie and had a white scarf wrapped around his neck. He had his hands folded over his chest. I could feel my eyes swell with tears so I quickly turned my phone off and threw it back into my pocket. I pushed my plate to the middle of the table and left a ten dollar tip in its place. I had paid my bill and was heading out the door when-

"Danny..." I almost shouted as he was almost bursting through the doors of the dinner, his cousin Kaitlin on his back.

"Oi Lou, didn't see you there mate," he said. I could see he was shocked to see me in here.

"What are you up to tonight Danny?"

"Oh, nothing much at all. Just running around with the cuz," he said in almost a whisper. His cousin was already at a booth and calling to him.

You Only Want Me Cause I'm Taken.....(BoyxBoy) #Wattys2015 #LGBTWhere stories live. Discover now