Chapter 22

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Zayn's POV:

"We can't tell management... They'll surely eat us alive if we do..." I spoke to Niall as we sat alone in the living room. Liam had still not made his way from his room. Partially, I couldn't blame him. How would you react if your band caught you getting ready to go all the way with your best mate? I tried to reason with him, tried showing him we weren't upset with their decision. I just hate to see of all people in this world, Niall and Liam become public targets like Harry, Louis, and I were. The silent tears that made their way down his face told me he was scared. I stepped forward until I was sitting next to him, pulling his small body into my arms, cooing sweet nothings to him.

"It's just n-not fair," he sobbed into my chest.

"What isn't Niall?"

"You g-guys get to be h-happy with each other.... If Liam and I-I come o-out, we'll be looked at a-as f-freaks," he stuttered out while wracking sobs took over his fragile body.

"And who said that Niall? Simon? Management? They can't control us forever Ni. Love is love, there's no way around this...." I whispered to him. Just then, I heard someone clear their throat from near the stairs. Niall and I both looked up to see a distraught Liam. His eyes were red and puffy so it was evident that he too was upset.

"Can.. Can I t-talk to Niall alone?" he almost whispered while he scooted his foot upon the floor.

"Yeah mate, I'll just go make us some tea," I smiled as I sat up and gave Niall one last look before turning towards the kitchen.....

Liam's POV:

When Zayn was clearly out of sight, I finally mustered up the courage to go and sit next to Niall. We were quiet for a little bit before Niall broke the silence.

"Why'd you run away Li?" he asked so bluntly. It broke my heart as I could feel fresh tears begin to prick at my eyes.

"I-I didn't mean too..."

"Was you embarrassed that it was with me?"

"Niall, never would I ever..."

"Then why the FUCK did you then?" he spat at me. I could feel the tears pour over as I sat there speechless. My brain began wracking with words to say, but I couldn't quite put them together. 

"I-I'm sorry Ni," I reached for his hand, tears beginning to spill out onto my cheeks. He first flinched away, but finally allowed me to cup his hand in mine.

"What happens if you do that out in public when we get surrounded by fans? I can't do this alone Li.." Niall was right. What if some bastard hurt my Ni? I couldn't stand to even think about the idea of losing him.

"Niall, you said you trusted me, yeah?"


"Well from this day forward, I promise, I won't leave you alone ever again. Trust me Niall?" I asked with big puppy eyes. Niall smiled and cupped my face into his hands...

"I trust you Li," he answered as he kissed my lips.

And I damn well meant what I had said....

Brad's POV:

Early the next morning, Liam and Niall were cuddled together in their room. Zayn and I cooed quietly from the door. Zayn was pressed ever so close into my back with his hand around my waist. We walked like this all the way down to the kitchen. Harry and Louis were quietly annoying each other. Another voice was evident, but I wasn't quite sure whom it was yet. My eyes widened as we walked in.

You Only Want Me Cause I'm Taken.....(BoyxBoy) #Wattys2015 #LGBTWhere stories live. Discover now