#19 I have had better

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*Author's POV*

AK: Hiii...

Faisu: AK, by any chance was your ex- Abhay bhai?

AK: huh?

Faisu: Yesterday, he asked me to tell you to talk with him... Accept his request and chat with him...

AK: So?

Faisu: Why would he do that? Why was he desperate to talk to you and why didn't you want to talk to him?

AK: I didn't check my Snapchat yesterday, so, I didn't see any requests...

Faisu: You can lie all you want to but I know the truth... You dated him; he is your ex...

AK: Even if I am lying, even if he is my ex, that all is none of your business...

Faisu: You know you should try to get down from your throne to make some real friends... You have that best friend quality but your attitude sucks... 

AK: Maybe I am happy on my throne without any friends, at least that would stop you interfering in my life...

Faisu: You make no sense to me... Like, what is your problem... Abhay bhai is a better person than anyone here, he is boyfriend material, why are you hiding it...  

AK: Again, it is none of your business...

Faisu: That means I am right...

Ak: That means you are annoying, just shut the fuck up...

Faisu: Bro, I am just trying to help here... I don't care if he is your ex or not, if he is good, I am not telling about that to anyone and if he is not then good too at least that would mean that my brother wasn't dating a psychopath...

AK: Did you just call me a psychopath?

Faisu: I fucking did...

AK: You...
And she kicked his shin and slapped his arm at the same time...
Ms. Divya: Avneet, Faisal is out of my class right now...

Faisu: Sorry ma'am...

Ms. Divya: I don't want to hear any sorry, OUT...
And AK simply stood and walked out of the class... Faisu looked at her with a frustrated look before following her outside and the rest of the class looked at them with a 'what the fuck' look...
Faisu: I am in punishment because of you...

AK: If you by any chance went blind then let me tell you that I am standing with you...

Faisu: We wouldn't be if you just accepted the fact that Abhay bhai is your ex...

AK: Or if you would have stopped bugging me with this question...
And they continued arguing when their eyes went to Mr. Anshul uff their physics teacher...
Faisu: Why is he looking at us?

AK: Because we are standing outside of our class during a lecture dumbo... The problem is why does he have his signature smirk on?

Faisu: Would probably be thinking of a way to tease you...

AK: Excuse me?

Faisu: What? Don't think that the class doesn't notice him flirting with you and staring at you with that smirk...

AK: He is a creep...

Faisu: Cannot agree more...

AK: Really? Doesn't it seem like when you laugh at his sexiest jokes?

Faisu: Yaar, he is a teacher we had to laugh at his jokes...

AK: Not when is crossing the line... He speaks bullshit at times and boys just don't care...

Faisu: Now who is being sexiest?

AK: Shut up, he is coming here...

Mr. Anshul: Why are you both standing outside?

Faisu: Punishment...

Mr. Anshul: What were you doing?

AK: Talking...

Mr. Anshul: Of course, Faisal if you sit with this chatterbox, you will be kicked out a lot more times...

AK: Sir, I wasn't talking to myself...

Mr. Anshul: What were you talking about?

AK: Casual nonsense... Nothing in particular...

Mr. Anshul: Who is the teacher?

Faisu: Miss Divya...

Mr. Anshul: I will ask her to get you both in (looking at AK creepily) Sun is on the head, it is very hot and I don't want you to get tanned...

AK: *coughs* Sir, do I look like the one who cares about tanning?

Mr. Anshul: Do you want to get in or not?

Faisu: We do, we do... Chal...
And they opened the door, Miss Divya looked at them with a questioning look... When Mr. Anshul peeked from the back...
Mr. Anshul: Ma'am they were apologizing... Please let them in, they don't talk in class next time... Right?

Faisu: Yes ma'am, sorry ma'am...

AK: Sorry ma'am...

Miss Divya: Come in... And keep quiet...
And they entered and sat on their respective seats... 
Riyaz: How was the punishment?

AK: I have had better...
She turned and said before looking straight and the board and noting down the notes... Amazing the three boys... In her previous school, they were beaten with bamboo sticks so all these punishments don't seem like punishment to her anymore... And like that the class ended...
Sid: Before I forget again, Faisu bhai asked me to remind you to do his work...

Faisu: Ya, okay...

AK (scared): Did he mention what work?

Sid: No, but why do you sound so scared...

Faisu: Leave her, you tell me is he allowed to keep a cellphone with himself?

Sid: He isn't, he probably has sneaked in one... He is a good kid; no teacher doubts him...
But she knew that he wouldn't sneak in a phone for his entertainment... Just like her, Abhay cares a lot about his reputation and sneaking in a phone was like a crime in their hostel... A crime that could suspend him from the position of a head boy for a week at least... And why would he risk that? Does he want to talk to her about something important, something essential? She wondered and wondered... He is her ex but she still cares for him and she always will... She wanted to know if he was in some trouble or he needed something so desperately for him to sneak in a phone and contact her... So, she thought of accepting his request and contacting him... It was hard for her, to talk to him, to risk her life but she cared for him enough to do so... But poor she didn't know that he didn't contact him out of need but out of love, something that she can't afford to give him and would only make her life a mess...

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