I'll always be there for you

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•with the glee club•

"Where's Rachel?" Kurt asks the group.

"She's not here yet."

"Perfect, glee club stands on a very delicate precipice. We've all felt the cold humiliation of a slushy in the face, but as of right now our relative anonymity as a club shields us from more severe persecution ...

"Does anyone understand what he's saying?" Hattie whispered loud enough for Matt and Santana to hear making them laugh.

- swirlies, patriotic wedgies."

"What's a patriotic wedgie?"

"It's when they hoist you up on a flag pole by your undies."

"That reminds me of the time when I was a kid and climbed a wet ladder, but I slipped and landed in between my legs and when I looked in my pants, I'd split open my 'no no square' and it bled everywhere. I couldn't walk right for a long time. In the whole of primary school I was referred to as 'the penguin.'
Hattie shuddered at the memory. Everyone just went through a roller coaster of emotions and facial expressions.

"No no square?" Quinn questioned with an amused smirk. Everyone just burst out laughing as Hattie looked embarrassed.

"Based on my investigation, I am of the opinion that a year book photo would only fuel the flame of anti-glee club terror. I've done a little library research."

"When have you got the time for that?" Hattie laughed making Matt nudge her with a giggle.

"Peter Gellar. Glee club second tenor, 1998. He can be seen here with both, a drawn hitler moustache and rice paddy hat. Shortly after the yearbook came out mr Gellar had a nervous breakdown. He is now the homeless man that sleeps in front of the public library."


"He barks at my mom."

"I guess he was dogcalling and not catcalling, am I right?" Hattie laughs nudging Santana's arm who tries to hide her amusement whilst shaking her head.

"Exhibit B, Tawny Peterson. Glee club class of 2000. Seen here with a cartoon knife in her head. I think I speak for all of us when I say not having a glee club photo would be a blessing in disguise."

"All this tells us is that at least one person in glee club will most likely lose their mind. Honestly I bet it will be Rachel or Puck. Anyway, if a picture of me got defaced I wouldn't care, I just don't want to be slushied for it." Hattie shared.

Mr Schue then enters the room.
"Oh, hey guys."

Ah, looking at old thunderclaps?"

"It's really unsettling."

"And really unfair. Hey, can I borrow one of these? You know what? This years thunderclap is going to have a glee club photo with every one of your smiling faces. You have my word on it."

"Great!" Hattie said sarcastically.


Hattie was sat with Quinn, Britt and Santana in the library. Quinn was day dreaming whilst the other two girls were defacing one of Rachel's yearbook photos. Hattie was sketching a picture of Quinn as the girl was unaware. The ones she didn't like she bunched up the paper and kept throwing them at Brittany and Santana making them stick their tongues out at the girl.

"Hattie, stop it." Santana scolded whilst trying to hold back a giggle.

"Okayyy Sanny, I'll stop just for you." Hattie wiggled her brows with a laugh. Santana just threw the balled up paper back in her face whilst laughing.

extraordinarily,you ~ Quinn FabrayWhere stories live. Discover now