Likes girls

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Hattie and Quinn's relationship was going well, although that lingering feeling of uncertainty was still dangling over Hatties head.

They went to the movies at the weekend and sat at the back of the room so they could hold hands. Hattie doesn't even remember what the movie was about, she was too busy watching Quinn. She hopes she didn't look creepy but the way the blondes eyes lit up and her expressions changed throughout the duration of the film, Hattie couldn't resist. Quinn was Hatties definition of perfect. The way she smiled and laughed. When she blushed all flustered and when she tripped up one time and styled it out, hoping nobody noticed, but Hattie did. And she thought she was perfect.

Anyways, she found herself sat in the Lima bean with Santana, Tina, cedes, Blaine and Kurt as they drank their coffees and chatted.

"You haven't asked us anything about our New York trip." Mercedes' questioned towards Kurt.

"Is it because it's too painful?" Tina added.

"Yes, as a matter of fact but whilst the new directions are preparing to perform at nationals, the Warblers are preparing to perform at a nursing home in a strip mall next to a national bank." Kurt answered truthfully.

"You say tamato I say tomato." Hattie joked, implying about nationals and a national bank being the same thing.

Everyone smiled at that as Kurt carried on.

"I'm so proud of you guys."

"We miss you so much." Tina told the boy.

"Isn't there any way you could come back to McKinley?" Mercedes asked.

"I told him I would be all for it if it wasn't for Karofsky." Blaine shared making Hattie huff at the mention of him.

"He just doesn't know when to stop." She said towards the boy, also talking about how he treats herself aswell as Kurt.

"Wait. What did you say?" Santana asked from beside Hattie, seemingly broken away from her trance.

"Kurt needs to be safe." Blaine said to the Latina.

"Can we please change the subject?" Kurt asked making Hattie feel for the boy.

She knows how it feels, like this constant dread waiting for Karofsky to do or say something to her. She's still not out to glee yet and feels sick when he says something in-front of her friends.

By looking to Santana, who was sat to Hatties right, she could tell she was in deep thought and was curious to find out what it was.

She suddenly arose from her chair.

"I've gotta gay- go. I've gotta go." Santana blabbered making Hatties eyes widen.

"So that's what she was thinking about. Totally relatable." Hattie thought to herself with a small smile as she zoned out ahead of her.


Glee club started and Hattie sat all fiddly as Finn asked a question.

"Why's Miss Pillsbury here?"

"She's helping us out with this weeks assignment." Mr Shue explained.

"Now, this is the only club at school that is represented by just about every race, religion, sexual orientation and clique. But many of you are still having a hard time with acceptance."

Hattie felt her heart beat quicken at this as her anxiety spiked.

"That's crazy, mr Shue. We love eachother." Cedes stated truthfully.

extraordinarily,you ~ Quinn FabrayWhere stories live. Discover now