Let me be your shoulder to lean on

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Hattie walked into glee disappointed when she didn't see Matt.

"Ballad .. from Middle English 'Ballad.' Who knows what this word means?"

"It's a male duck." Britt replies getting a nod from Hattie.


"A Ballad is a love song."

"Sometimes , but they don't always express love. Ballads are stories set to music which is why they're the perfect storm of self expression..."
"Ok so sectionals are in a few weeks and there is a new rule this year, you have to perform a Ballad."

"Looks like my weekly letter to the Ohio Show Choir committee finally paid off." Rachel said getting a confused look from Hattie.

"Ok, so here's our assignment for the week, I'm going to pair you off and I want you to pick a ballard to sing to your partner. Look them right in the eye, find the emotion you wanna express and make them feel it."

"I pick Quinn." Finn shares making Hattie roll her eyes.

"No, no too easy. Your partners will be chosen by fate." His statement caused people to make "ooohs" and "ahhhs"

"Oooh yeah , I put all your names in this hat, whoever you chose is your partner."

"I bet the ducks in the hat." Britt whispered to her and Santana making Hattie smile.

"But, matts out sick today. He had to go to the hospital cuz they found a spider in his ear." Santana explained.

"What an idiot." Hattie laughed. "Also new fear unlocked." Hattie grimaced.

"Erm , I guess I'll have to put my name in the hat for now. Who's up first?"

Puck chooses Mercedes, Artie picks Finn, Kurt decides to do a solo. Santana picks Brittany and Tina got Mike. Hattie then goes to choose her partner and you guessed it...

"Quinn." Hattie smirked at the blonde getting a smile in return.

"Looks like I get you, mr Schue."

"Ewww." Hattie whispered to Santana getting a giggle.

"You know what, maybe we should just wait until Matt gets back."

"The fates talk mr schue." Getting laughs from the class.

"Would you mind clarifying what kinda songs you want us to sing , mr Schue?" Artie asks.

"Why don't you let mr schuester and I demonstrate." This made Hattie physically recoil.

•time skip•

Quinn had invited Hattie to her house to practice the ballard together. She rung the bell and thought to herself how big their house was. She was slightly nervous as she didn't want to break anything, she was known for her clumsiness. Just then a blonde woman , Quinn's mother opened the door.

"How can I help you?" She asked with a smile as she looked Hattie up and down, this caused Hattie to feel slightly uncomfortable.

"Hi mrs Fabray, I'm here for Quinn. We're partners for a glee assignment."

"Oh, that's right I remember Quinn telling me now. Hattie right? Lovely accent."

"Yes , thank you."

"And please , call me Judy."

Hattie then smiled and nodded towards the women who lead her into the house. Quinn was stood facing a mirror trying on a dress.

"You can sit here , Quinn won't be long she's just trying on a dress."

extraordinarily,you ~ Quinn FabrayWhere stories live. Discover now