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It was Hattie's first day in glee club and she was excited to be able to spend more time with her new friends and to explore her talent. When she walked into the room Rachel started to have a tantrum about a solo.

"Excuse me t-this isn't the right key." She complained.

"No, it's actually the right key." Mr Schue corrected.

"No this is the alto part."

"Tina's doing the solo."

"Whoop whoop!" Hattie congratulated Tina and she giggled at the girl and nodded.

"Ah I'm sorry, there must be some sort of mix up. I thought I made it perfectly clear that anything from westside story goes to me, Maria is my part. Natalie wood was a Jew yeno? I've had a very deep personal connection to this part since the age of one."

"News flash Berry , no one cares." Hattie commented receiving a laugh from Santana and a smirk from Quinn.

As Mr Schuester tried to explain to Rachel that Tina deserves her first solo , she threw a tantrum and stormed out the room.

"The more time she storms out of rehearsal, the less impact it has." Artie muttered and Hattie nodded to him in agreement.

"Congratulations Tina, this is going well."

•Time skip•

After Finn agreed to help Kurt out with getting on the football team Hattie went to cheer him on. Kurt thanked Finn before going to get his music ready. Finn then became upset as he didn't want to be teased by the football team.

"I'm doing this and I'm doing it my way."

"You'll do great Kurt."Hattie smiled.

Puck then walked over "So , are you two an item now or? He doesn't belong here."

"And why's that Puck? , if he can play well what does it matter?" Hattie questioned.

"You joined acafellas, what's the difference?" Finn said with hattie nodding alongside him.

"Imma stud dude , I could wear a dress to school and people would think it's cool." Puck said cockily.

Hattie then faked gagged towards the boy.
"Please don't I'll have nightmares. The only reason you're popular Puck, is because people are afraid of you. You're a bully and people don't want to cross you so they follow you instead." Hattie stated.

"Fuck off England, you're a loser just like the rest of them. You're probably just jealous." Puck insinuated.

"Oh yes you got me there Puck, I'm so jealous of you throwing kids in bins and throwing slushies at them" Hattie said sarcastically. "Grow up."

Puck just scoffed and put his middle finger up at the girl , hattie just rolled her eyes.

'Men' hattie thought to herself.

Not long afterwards Hattie could hear "single ladies" playing and smiled.

"Go Kurt! You got this dude" hattie screamed.

Turns out he's a really good kicker shocking all of the dickhead jocks making Hattie cheer for him.

•Time skip•

Hattie was struggling to open her locker once again.
'I'll never get used to these things' she thought.
She could hear Finn and Quinn talking, maybe or maybe not she was ears-dropping.

"I'm pregnant"

'No way, oh my goodness gracious me. Quinn Fabray is pregnant?!'

Hattie rolled her eyes at that.
"Yes you , who else would it be?"

"But we- we never .."

"Last month .. hot tub"

'Ewwww , I feel like I'm watching a reality show right now'

"But we were wearing a swimsuit"

" tub is the perfect temperature for sperm, it helps it swim faster."

'Bullshit, that can't be true'

"Oh my god, oh my god , oh my god"
Quinn then began crying and it actually made hattie feel for the girl.

•time skip to later in the day•

As Hattie was rounding the corner in the hallway to once again struggle to open her locker , she overheard Quinn and Puck talking.

" I had sex with you because you got me drunk on wine coolers and I felt fat that day. But that was a mistake you're a Lima loser and you're always gonna be a Lima loser." Quinn confessed.

Suddenly Hattie saw red and approached them. She tapped Puck on the shoulder making him turn around.

"you pig" Hattie sputtered angrily then punched in right in the nose.


"Oh my god"Quinn couldn't help the smirk that appeared on her face.

Hattie just ignored them and walked off still feeling the adrenaline coursing through her veins.

• The football game•

Hattie felt as though she'd calmed down a bit now and was excited to watch Kurt play. She stood next to Kurt father, Burt in the stands and introduced herself. He's a nice man.

When Kurt kicked the ball , his father looked like the proudest man in the world , ' I can tell he is so proud of his son'
Hattie cheered for her friend until her throat became sore.

• later that evening•

"Hey Fi I'm home."

"Hey Hats how was your day?"

"It was actually really good" hattie smiled to her cousin.

"I'm glad kiddo , you feeling okay about tomorrow?"


"The anniversary"

"Oh ... that's tomorrow? Yeah I'm fine, I'll be fine"

hattie tried to hold back her tears but Fiona saw right through her and held her whilst she cried.

"You're going to be okay kid. I love you so much"

"I love you too fi , thanks for everything. I'm gonna go to bed now."


Hattie went to the bathroom before heading to bed. She went to the sink and washed her face, which revealed the scar by her eye. She would use makeup to cover it as she didn't want any questions to how it got there. Hattie traced the scar lightly with her finger, the scar being across her eyebrow and eyelid. Tears streamed down her face as she thought of her family and what tomorrow would endure.

As Hattie entered her bedroom (which was small as they live in Lima heights) Fiona's working two jobs and Hattie is looking for somewhere to hire her.

Hattie then lay on her bed and her phone dinged indicating a message.

Kurtie 💅

Hey hats I just wanted you to know that
I came out to my dad tonight.
                                                                       Omg Kurt!
                 Im so unbelievably proud of you! did
                    It go well?Your dad seems pretty cool.

It went as well as I could've
Imagined <3 thank you for being there for me
ily :)
                                            Its my pleasure! Love u 
                                             lots <3

Hattie then went to sleep happy for her friend but dreading the day to come.

extraordinarily,you ~ Quinn FabrayWhere stories live. Discover now