Dakota Stanley

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Since Hattie started McKinley things seem to start looking up for her, she's starting to feel more at home. Besides the fact that she's been slushied once this week for 'associating' with the glee club. You see, she's become good friends with the likes of Mercedes , Kurt and shockingly the unholy trinity. She even hangs out with Matt and Mike. Santana and her get along well considering their unique dynamic. Hattie always laughing at Santana's snide and shockingly smart remarks and Santana warming up to Hattie's sweet and funny personality. San also likes that Hattie can stick up for herself and doesn't care what people think of her. Santana believes deep down that she could learn a thing or two about that 'Fuck it' attitude she has.

"Life's too short to care what people think , you do you boo" Hattie would say with a smirk.

•at school•

Hattie walked through the halls of McKinley with her head held high alongside Mercedes and kurt. As they all approached the lockers Mercedes looked longingly towards Santana and Puck kissing. Hattie grimaced as she saw what she was staring at.

"Have you ever kissed anybody?"

"Yes, if by someone you mean the tender crook of my elbow .. No I haven't, but I want to" Kurt replied as Mercedes was still staring at the couple kissing.

"I have kissed two people but neither of them really meant anything to me, the first time I was drunk and the second time the guy was just trying to get into my pants" hattie told whilst rolling her eyes.

"Ok stop it right there Mercedes , we are in glee club which means we are at the bottom of the social heap, special ed kids will get more play than we will" "the only thing that gets me through is the knowledge that we are superior to all of them" Kurt dramatically explained.

"Look Mercedes you shouldn't worry about it , you're hot and there is someone out there for you that totally wants to kiss you" Hattie reassured.
Mercedes smiled at the compliment.

" I don't know about that" Mercedes replied.

" I promise you it will happen" hattie smiled.

They all start walking down the halls together.
"What are you wearing on operation Dakota Stanley field trip?"

"What's a Dakota Stanley" hattie asked with a scrunched up face out of confusion.

"Glee thing .. you should join so you're not so confused all the time" Kurt replied.

"I don't know if that will help with her being confused all the time, you kinda remind me of finn with your facial expressions" Mercedes laughed.
Hattie still looking confused.

"Anyways , there are dress codes?"

"I know but every moment of your life is an opportunity for fashion" "we will hit the mall after school , meet me at lunch" kurt says walking off "you should come too hattie"

"Yeah why not"

Just as Kurt left the Quinn and Santana approach Mercedes' and links arms with her. Causing Hattie once again to feel confused.

"You should totally scoop that" Quinn says to Mercedes.

"Oh I don't think I'm his type" she replies.

"Umm yeah isn't he kinda" Hattie then flicks her wrist insinuating that Kurt may be gay.

Quinn faces Hattie and rolls her eyes ignoring her
comment and starts talking to Mercedes again.

"Oh I think you are , just follow our lead we've got
your back"

'America is weird and this isn't gonna end well' hattie thinks to herself whilst stood in the middle of the hallway.

extraordinarily,you ~ Quinn FabrayWhere stories live. Discover now