Chapter 3:

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Next Morning.

It's the next morning. I was awaken by the sound of my alarm. I checked my phone and saw that I gotten a message from Daniel.

Daniel: hey, i know you're sleeping but I just wanted to say that last night was the best time of my life and I hope we get to do that more often. Im about to head out of the country and when I get back, I hope I get to see you again. Anyways have fun at school and at work, beautiful.
*you were smiling while reading the text*
Y/N: hey i barely saw your message and this was a nice way to start my morning. Have a safe flight and I can't wait to heard about it soon.

Now that my morning has been made, it's time to get ready for school.

A few Minutes later.

I finished getting ready and drove to school. The school was only 10 minutes away from where I live. I got to my 1st period which was home room. I walked in and I saw my friends.

Liliana: finally you're here
Sarah: so what happened?
Y/N: what happened with what?
Tatiana: don't act like you don't know what we're talking about
Angela: come on girl spill the tea
Y/N: you girls are so annoying but I'll tell you guys

I told them everything that happened. They were so happy for me that I'm letting myself get loved. After a while the teacher came in and started the class.

After school.

School just ended and I'm on my way to Starbucks to get some coffee for Chelsey and I. I got our drinks and headed to her house. After a while, I finally arrived at her house. I saw that Kian and Jc were filming outside.

Y/N: hey guys.
Jc: hey Y/N, hows school?
Y/N: boring as always
Kian: you didn't bring me a drink
Y/N: nope anyways is Chelsey here?
Jc: yeah shes in the room
Y/N: alright I'll see you guys later

I went in the house and went to go look for Chelsey. I knocked on her door and saw that she was laying down.

Y/N: it's 3 pm and you're laying down
Chelsey: try living with these people
Y/N: you're right
Chelsey: tell me about last night
Y/N: it was amazing. He took me to this spot with an amazing view and he was so nice. We got to know more about each other and we have so much in common.
Chelsey: do you think he's the one?
Y/N: i think he's the one
Chelsey: you should go hang out with him today
Y/N: he's out of the country
Chelsey: oh yeah i forgot about that. He travels a lot.

We talked for a while and I started to do my homework. Today's my day off and I was just going to hangout at Chelsey's place. I finished doing my homework and Kian comes up to me.

Kian: hey, I was about to head out and get food. Do you want to come?
Y/N: sure let me put my stuff in the car.
Kian: I'll get the car started
*you put your stuff in your car and got in Kian's car*
Y/N: alright Im ready
Kian: let's get food

We went to a nearby restaurant since none of us wanted to drive far. Ever since Chelsey and Jc started dating Kian became like a brother to me. I told him all my problems with boys, life and my struggles.

Kian: we haven't hanged out in so long. What's new?
Y/N: nothing has changed so far. I'm waiting to see if I got accepted or not.
Kian: I'm sure you're gonna get in.
Y/N: i hope so. It's my dream university for a long time.
Kian: what about the party? You and Daniel?
Y/N: i honestly don't remember much but like I told Chelsey I feel like he's the one for me but
Kian: you're scared that he's gonna be like the last one
Y/N: i am Im not sure if he likes me for me
Kian: ive known Daniel for a few months but I can tell he's not gonna be like the last one
Y/N: you think so
Kian: i believe so

We finished eating and we headed back. I asked
Chelsey if I can borrow a swimsuit. I did a late night swim.

A few minutes later.

I got out of the pool and checked my phone. I saw that Daniel texted me.

Daniel: hey, are you busy?
Y/N: no Im free. Whats up?
Daniel: I want to FaceTime you
Y/N: you miss seeing me already?
Daniel: i want to see your beautiful face again
*he FaceTimes you*
Daniel: look at that beautiful face of yours
Y/N: look at your ocean blue eyes
Daniel: did you just get out of the shower?
Y/N: no i did a late night swim i was about to go home
Daniel: I'Il stay on the phone with you until you get home
Y/N: you don't have too
Daniel: but i want to I want to make sure you're safe
Y/N: fine

We stayed on the phone and i said goodbye to
everyone and headed home.

Daniel: are you almost home?
Y/N: Im about to pull up
Daniel: last time I remember, your house isn't far from Kian and Jc
Y/N: it's not i just wanted to continue talking to you
Daniel: now look who's missing me
*you parked and went to your room.*
Y/N: don't feel too special. Imma go shower and sleep.
Daniel: alright goodnight beautiful

I really miss hearing his voice and being with him. I showered and went to sleep.

Next Morning.

My alarm was ringing meaning it was time to get ready for school. I did a quick shower and got ready for school. On my way to school, i had to pick up the girls because we have work afterschool and they're staying over.

After I picked them up, we stopped to get coffee and donuts since we we're gonna be early. We got to school and I parked so we can talk for a while.

Liliana: so did you find out you got accepted?
Y/N: i keep checking but nothing
Angela: Im sure you're gonna get it soon
Sarah: hopefully really soon so you can you start your business
Tatiana: and you Can be my personal makeup artist
Y/N: I'll be this group personal makeup artist

We talked about our future and what we hope
happens. The first bell rings and we went to our first class.

After school.

Today, we get out early. We went to work and it looks hella busy. We just looked at each other and got started. We took a lot of orders and by the end of the day we were really tired. After work, we went to get food. On our way home, I realized I didn't have my phone with me. I pulled over to look for it in the car.

Angela: why did you pull over?
Y/N: I don't have my phone with me
Sarah: maybe you left it at work.
Tatiana: want to go back?
Y/N: yeah
*you got in the car and drove back*
Liliana: hopefully it's there
Y/N: if not I guess it's time for me to get a new phone
Sarah: you really do. It's time for an update

After a while, we got to the coffee shop and we
checked everywhere. We didn't find it anywhere. We searched everywhere and no phone.

Y/N: it's not here
Liliana: you probably left it at school
Angela: no she had it in her hand when we left
Y/N: I'll just get a new phone but I didn't backup anything
Sarah: finally! And we'll find a way to get everything back
Y/N: thank you girls for helping me look for it
Tatiana: no problem now Let's have a movie night

We got home and had a move night.

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