Chapter 20

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Daniel's POV:

Daniel: Y/N, i need to talk to you.
Y/N: is everything alright?
Daniel: look, i wanted to wait until we got to Europe but I feel like this is the right time do it
Y/N: you're worrying me
Daniel: Y/N Amaro, the day i meet you i was going through a lot. I never thought I would fall in love with anyone but the moment I saw you I knew I wanted to get close to you and get to know who you are. I want to come home to you everyday and wake up next to you. Tell you everything that happens on and off tour and have you and Oliver in my life and hope in the future have more baby Seavey. I don't have a ring with me at the moment but-
*he gets down in one knee and holds your hand*
Daniel: will you make me even more happy and be the next Mrs. Seavey?
*tears came out*
Y/N: Yes yes and a million times ves
*Daniel gets up and hugs you and spins you*

Your POV:
I can't believe Daniel proposed to me right now. I'm officially the most happiest women a live. Soon imma be the Y/N Seavey.

Daniel: I'll get you a ring soon. I promise
Y/N: i love you
Daniel: i love you more. Should we go home?
Y/N: let's go i miss my baby boy

We go back to the car and we were on our way to get Oliver.

A few minutes later.

We got to the Seavey's house. Daniel stopped at the door.

Daniel: are we going to tell them we're engaged?
Y/N: where you planning on doing it today?
Daniel: i was at first but I decided to do it when we were in England together
Y/N: aww that's so sweet. The I guess we got to wait until England and we'll tell them
Daniel: if you say so

We walked in and I went straight to Oliver. I greeted everyone.

Y/N: thank you guys for taking care of him
Keri: it's no problem after all he is our grandson
Jeff: so how was your day?
Y/N: it was amazing
Anna: what you guys do?

Daniel told them what we did today but we didn't tell them that we're engaged. I don't want to plan anything yet, if Daniel isn't gonna be here to help out. I really want to tell them but I want to wait for a little bit.

Tyler: never thought my brother was so romantic
Daniel: Im full of surprises
Y/N: anyways we have to go. Daniel has to start
packing for tomorrow morning.
Keri: of course
Y/N: thank you once again for taking care of this guy for today
Anna: bring him again
Daniel: soon y'all get to babysit him for a couple of weeks
Christian: what do you mean by that?
Y/N: Im with Christian. What do you mean?
Daniel: you'll soon find out

We said goodbye to everyone. We put Oliver in his car seat and put him in the car. As we were pulling out of the driveway. I softly punched Daniel on his shoulder.

Daniel: ouch that hurt
Y/N: good
Daniel: why you mad at me for?
Y/N: you were about to tell them, weren't you?
Daniel: i didn't mean to. It was about to slip but it didn't
Y/N: well I'm glad it didn't because I don't want to start planning a wedding without you
Daniel: i know and Im sorry baby
Y/N: apology accepted

A few minutes later.

We finally arrived at the house and Daniel started to pack for his travels that starts tomorrow morning. The boys are gonna pick him and imma be hanging out with Gabby and Anna. I changed Oli to his pajamas and gave him a fresh diaper and feed him.

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