Chapter 8

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Franny: okay so this question goes to Y/N
Y/N: Im scared to know what it is
Franny: are you and Daniel having a baby anytime soon? If so what would their names be?
Y/N: uhm I don't know what to say. We haven't
discussed that yet but if we do end up having a baby we would let y'all know.
Nezza: so you guys haven't discussed it yet?
Y/N: it never came up. We're both very busy. Daniel has his music career and I have school and then have a business soon.
Franny: i mean if you guys do have a baby together, you have us to help out
Nezza: yeah we both love to be around babies
Y/N: aww i appreciate you guys
*we hugged and finished filming*

After a while, we finished filming Franny's and Nezza's video and I went back home to Daniel. Throughout the filming, I keep thinking about having a baby together. What if Daniel doesn't want a baby and I end up being pregnant? What if he leaves and never comes back? So many thoughts were going through my mind. I had finally arrived at the house. When I pulled up, the boys were leaving the house besides Daniel. I got off the car and walked up to them.

Y/N: where's Daniel?
Jack: he's in his room waiting for you
Y/N: where y'all going?
Zach: we're going to get food, want something?
Y/N: nah Im good, i barely finished eating at Franny's place. Thank you for the invite.
Jonah: alright then we'll see you later.
Corbyn: oh and it's just you and Daniel in the house
Zach: so don't do anything that would make your stomach grow
Y/N: no promises

The boys drove away and I walked inside Daniel's room. I walked in without making any noises. I saw that he was playing his game because he was yelling at the screen and he had his headset on. I walked closer to him and softly kissed his neck and slowly sliding my hand down to his chest.

Daniel: first time looking for my weak spot and your found it
Y/N: so this is your weak spot
Daniel: let me finished my game and then we'll play that game from last night
Y/N: it's cool just take your time with your game I'll be on the bed
*as you were walking away, he grabbed wrist and made you sit on his lap*
Daniel: stay here while I finish this game
Y/N: what am i gonna do here?
Daniel: keep doing what you were doing right now
Y/N: ohh you mean this
*you start giving him soft kisses on his neck*
Daniel: i can't do this anymore

He turns off his game and we started to make out. Without breaking the kiss we went to the bed and things got heated.

An hour later.

We finished doing it and we heard the front door open and voices yelling our names. I put on a sweater from Daniel and shorts. We walked downstairs and saw that it was Christina and the boys.

Y/N: why are you guys yelling for?
Zach: we wanted to let y'all know we're home
Daniel: you guys could have texted us
Jack: yeah that's no fun
Y/N: Imma go back to sleep
Zach: sure you were sleeping
Christina: I know for a fact your hair doesn't look like that after a nap or when you're waking
Y/N: Goodnight guys
All: Goodnight Y/N
Y/N: you coming Daniel?
Daniel: I'Il be there in a minute

Daniel's POV:
Y/N went to the room and I stayed behind to talk to the boys. We have to pick a song to perform at the Jingle Ball. We asked Christina to pick a Christmas song and we'll make a cover of it. I headed upstairs and saw that she was sleeping. I carefully got on the bed but she woke up.

Y/N: did you know I'm a light sleeper?
Daniel: no i didn't but now i know
Y/N: Im glad you're here now so we can cuddle
Daniel: i was thinking maybe we do something else instead
*you turned to face him*
Y/N: Ohh yeah. What do you have in mind?
Daniel: i Don't know maybe this
*he started to kiss you*

Your POV:
When he started kissing me, I couldn't stop thinking about having a baby with him. I need to get this out of the way.

Y/N: Daniel, i need to ask you something.
Daniel: ask away
Y/N: do you want to have kids?
Daniel: kids?
Y/N: yeah kids of our own
Daniel: of course I want kids. Why are you asking?
Y/N: a fan asked if we're planning on having babies of our own and it's been on my mind all day
Daniel: if you do get pregnant, imma be there for you.
Y/N: every step of the way?
Daniel: every step of the way
*you kissed him*
Daniel: now let's make a baby

We started to take off our clothes and then things got heated. I'm glad that the baby idea is off to the side now.

A couple days later.

Today is the Jingle Ball. The boys left early for sound check and it's just me and Christina in the house. We're getting ready to leave. I'm wearing a leather jacket with a cropped shirt and black pants with heels *swipe to see*. We finished getting ready and we went to get breakfast first. We got to the restaurant and we order our food. We sat down outside the patio. We started talking and finished our food. We're on our way to the Jingle Ball.

30 minutes later.

We arrived and headed to where the boys were. Daniel puts his hands around my waist and pulls me closer to him. He whispers in my ear, "after this we're gonna celebrate in my room".

Y/N: that reminds me, tomorrow Chelsey and the gang are having a Christmas Eve party at their place and we're all going.
Jonah: count of us in
Jack: we love to party
Zach: mostly Jonah, make sure the tables are in one piece by the end of the night
Y/N: okay I'll make sure of that

After a while, the boys went on stage and sang WITH YOU THIS CHRISTMAS, KISS YOU THIS CHRISTMAS, and SILENT NIGHT. After the show, we went to go get something to eat. We finished eating and went home. We headed to our room since we were now sleepy. I immediately jumped on the bed without changing.

Daniel: you're not going change into comfortable clothes
Y/N: Im too tired to do it
Daniel: maybe i can help
Y/N: aren't you tired?
Daniel: with you? I'm never tired
*he starts to take off your jacket and you guys start to do it*

Next Morning.

I wasn't feeling so good today. I woke up to find out that Daniel wasn't by my side. I got up to go look for him but I got up too quick. The next thing I knew I was on the ground.

 The next thing I knew I was on the ground

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