Chapter 22

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Few minutes later.

Christina and the boys finally came. I ran towards Christina as soon as she walked in.

Christina: Y/N/N!
Y/N: omg! It's been so long. How you been?
Christina: ive been doing great, what about you and Oliver? By the way, you look amazing!
Y/N: that's great to hear and we've been doing great as well and thank you I just feel like it's a bit extra
Christina: its not. It looks perfect for you

We started talking more until Daniel came with a crying baby in his arms.

Y/N: what you do?
Daniel: i didn't do anything I think he's just tired
Christina: aww look at him. He's starting to look more like Daniel
Y/N: that's good. Anyways imma go feed him and I'll be back soon
Christina: take your time. I'll where the wine is.
*she gets up and gets a glass of wine*
Daniel: I'll go with you
Y/N: you have to stay down here to entertain everyone
Daniel: alright I'll be with the boys

I go upstairs to the nursery room and started to feed Oliver.

A few minutes later.

Oliver was finally asleep. I placed him in his crib and took the baby monitor with me just incase he ends up waking up. I got downstairs and Christina hands me a drink. There was music playing and we started to dance. After a while, the boys joined and little by little everyone started dancing with us. We all took shots after shots until Christina and I became drunk. Corbyn and Daniel we're taking care of us but we still continued to drink the rest of the night.

A few hours later.

The party had finally ended and everyone was gone. The house was a big mess but at least we all had fun. I laid down on the couch for a while. I got up to go get a drink but Daniel took it away.

Y/N: you did not just take my drink away
Daniel: you had enough, drink water
Y/N: you're no fun here let's both take one together
Daniel: nope it's time for you to go to sleep
Y/N: but i Don't want to sleep
Daniel: come on we're going to the room and you're gonna get comfy and sleep
Y/N: but-
Daniel: no buts go now
Y/N: fine

I walked to the stairs but I felt weak and almost fell down but Daniel caught me on time. He carried me bridal style to the room and placed me on the bed. He gave me comfy shorts and one of his hoodies and took off my makeup. After a while, the baby monitor went off and showed us a crying baby.

Y/N: my baby needs me
Daniel: nope you're going to change and sleep
Y/N: after I take care of my baby
Daniel: I'll take care of Oliver you do what I told you to do
Y/N: yes daddy

He left the room and I started to take off my clothes but I just stayed like that.

Daniel's POV:
Y/N and Christina as well a few friends of ours got drunk. All night I've been keeping an eye on Y/N since I don't want her to do something she'll regret in the morning. When everyone left, she laid down on the couch and I started to clean up since it was kinda of a mess.

I turn around to see her opening up a bottle of wine but I took it away from her and send her to the room. On her way up, she was about to fall but I caught her on time and carried her to the room. I picked out an outfit for her to change to and I took off her makeup. As I finished talking off her makeup, Oliver woke. She wanted to take care off him but I didn't let her so I went instead.

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