Chapter 6

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We said goodbye to the boys and Christina and walked the opposite way. We were catching up.

Daniel: so why haven't you answer my calls or messages?
Y/N: Im so sorry. I lost my phone the next day when we FaceTime. We had a busy day at work and when I was on my way home I realized I didn't have it with me so I went back and it was no where to be found so the next day I got a new phone
Daniel: i thought you were avoiding me
Y/N: i promise I wasn't. I was gonna ask Chelsey, Kian and Jc for your number but then I received a mail saying I got accepted and my focus was on that
Daniel: then let me give you my number
*you gave him your phone and he put his number*
Y/N: i will try not to lose my phone again

We both laughed and continued walking. He was telling me everything he has gone through during tour and it sounds fun traveling and doing what he loves and having to meet different people. I'm happy for him.

Y/N: so why didn't you tell me you were in a band?
Daniel: i just felt like you were gonna take advantage of me and probably not like me for me
Y/N: i Don't like people for what they have but who they are so no I wouldn't take advantage of you
Daniel: it's good to hear that

As we were walking back to my place, I had an urge of wanting to hold his hand. I got closer to him and I ended up holding his hand we both looked at each other and smiled. It feels good to be by his side again. We got to my place and I invited him in.

Y/N: you want to come or do you have to wake up early to fly out?
Daniel: not this time. I would love to come in and see your place
*we walked in*
Y/N: by the looks of it, Christina isn't home yet
Daniel: she's probably with Corbyn still
Y/N: she probably is
Daniel: you have a nice place here
Y/N: it's kinda of a mess since we barely got here
Daniel: do you still have the house in LA?
Y/N: Ohh yeah. The girls moved in a week before I left.
Daniel: are you going to go back after school or your gonna stay here?
Y/N: Im not sure yet kinda like New York but all my friends and family are in LA

We talked for a while. After a while, we decided to watch a movie.

Daniel's POV:
In the middle of the movie, I felt her put her head on my shoulder. It feels good to be by her side again after these months. I just can't stop looking at her. I had to look away because she caught me. She paused the movie and looked at me.

Y/N: why are you looking at me?
Daniel: i wasnt
Y/N: i just saw you looking at me
Daniel: fine i was. I was just admiring how beautiful you are.
Y/N: no Im not
Daniel: yeah you are

I just want to feel her lips on mine but I can't. I don't want to destroy what we have right now.

Your POV:
I just want to feel his lips on mine but I'm scared to get close to me. Imma do it. I kissed him.

Y/N: omg Im so sorry
Daniel: no it's fine. I wanted to kiss you too
Y/N: really?
Daniel: since our date I wanted to kiss you again but
Y/N: you thought I didn't want to
Daniel: Can i confess something to you?
*you nod*
Daniel: ever since I walked in the coffee shop, I couldn't stop thinking about you. Honestly talking to you at the party and the next day made me feel something that I've never felt for anyone else. I know we only meet for about a few months but I feel like I've known you for years
Y/N: Daniel, I feel the same way. You've been the only person that makes me forget about everything else.
Daniel: i want to be your man
Y/N: then consider yourself my man
Daniel: really?
Y/N: yes Daniel!
*you both kissed and finished watching the movie*

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